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Two months later
Jin's Pov:

It's been two months since Jungkook first apologized to me. Ever since that day, he's been doing little things. It confuses me because I don't know his angle or intention.

Today, he's supposed to pick up Areum; it's their time together. Taehyung knowing this decided to stop by, he wants to spend the day with me. I understand why he wants to spend the day; it was now obvious when it came to the two of us. We found comfort in each other, not as lovers, but solely two people with needs.

I know Taehyung has genuine feelings for me. He and I have discussed this time and time again; I am not there at the moment to be in a relationship. He claims he gets me and he's okay with it. So I guess we are good. I honestly don't know, and I don't try to dwell on it. I am only taking one day at a time these days.

"Babe, Areum can't find her pink sandals. Do you know where it is?" Taehyung asked, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing his nose against the crook of my neck.

I pulled out of his arms and turned to look at him. "I don't know. If they aren't where the rest of her shoes are then she probably left them at her dad's house. When he comes over, I'll ask him. And stop calling me babe, people will get the wrong idea."

"So she's leaving stuff at his house now? Cool. And by people, do you mean Jungkook?" Not this shit now.

"Tae, seriously?"
Jungkook's Pov:

Today was my day to get Areum. Usually, I would take her over to my house, and we do things for the weekend. However, today, I have something different planned. Well, she and I had something planned. She requested us to do so, her last weekend with me.

Me trying to be the good dad I'm to her, could not resist her request.

I looked into the bag on the kitchen counter to check and made sure I had everything. Once it was confirmed that I did. I grabbed my stuff and walked over to Jin's loft.

As I knocked on the door, I could hear talking, but couldn't make out anything. I wondered if Jin had company. He usually didn't when I picked up Areum.

"Appa, Dad is here," Areum yells out as she pulls the door open.

She jumped right on me, causing me to drop the bag in my hand to pick her up. "I miss you so much, daddy! I can't find my pink shoes. Do you have my pink shoes? My uncle ho ho got it for me." I couldn't help but smile at her.

"I miss you more baby girl." I said, kissing her on the cheek, "I don't know. Dad will have to check your room to know if you left it-"

"Oh, you are here," Jin said, cutting me off as he appeared in front of both of us. He looked out of place; a bit of frustration was evident on his face.

I used one hand to hold Areum up who wasn't letting go and picked up the bag that had fallen. Walking into Jin's home and closing the door behind me.

"Yes, Areum was telling me she can't find her shoes. I was telling her I'll check when I get back over to the house later." I told him.

"Later? Are you guys going out from here?" He questioned in confusion.

"No, actually-"

"Babe, is my Areum gone?" Taehyung said, walking out of a room along the hallway with no shirt on, but only a pair of basketball shorts.

I watched as Jin took in a deep sigh and closed his eyes.

"Hi, Jungkook. Still, here I see. Areum baby, uncle Tae Tae is going to miss you."

"Hi. Yes, I'm still here and will be for a while. Areum, Jin, and I are watching a movie today as a family." Not the way I wanted to tell Jin, but seeing Taehyung like this in his home pissed me the fuck off. I still have a lot to say to Taehyung, and I don't know if Jin's blinded or he wants to blame me for everything that's has taken place between us.

Taehyung and Jin both look taken back by my words. "Jin's not watching any movies with you." Taehyung was the first to speak up.

"Uncle Tae Tae, my appa and my daddy and I are watching a movie. My dad promised me. My friends say they watch movies with their parents all the time and I want to watch movie with my parents too." God bless my little girl. She deserves an extra kids meal.


"Areum you can watch movies with Jin and I. We watch movies all the time," Taehyung said, cutting off Jin.

"I love you uncle Tae Tae, but you are not my dad. I want to watch Aladdin with my parents." She said while pouting as though she was going to cry.

Taehyung looked like he had been slapped across his face.

She wiggled out of my arms and ran to her Appa who stilled hasn't said much.

Taehyung walked over to me, "you did this, didn't you? You are feeding her what to say and manipulating her, aren't you? Jin's never going to be yours again. He's going to mines. It's my bed he's in now and my kids he'll be having soon. I can't believe I was ever your best friend." He whispered in anger to me so no one could hear him.

I stepped towards him and chuckled. "Manipulate? Are we going to go there? What kind of "best friend" ignores his friend for four years? What kind of "best friend" helps to raise his kids without a word to him. You even watch one of them die! I'm the fucking one who can't believe you were ever my best friend. You and I have a lot to discuss, but I won't do it in front, my daughter." I swear I wanted to knock him out. "Oh, and Jin might be in your bed, but he sure as shit ain't having no kids for you. Four years you've been around him, and I can tell his heart doesn't beat for you, but let me guess, you already knew that. Keep filling space; it's what you are good at."

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