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No one's Pov:

As Jin heard the constant ringing of his doorbell, he lazily got out of bed. Looking at the time, he realized that it was already after 4 in the evening. "gosh, did I lay in bed all day." he murmured to himself as he walked towards the door.

As soon as he opened the door, his little girl ran right into his arms. "Appa, I missed you so much. I got a toy from Mcdonald's do you want to see it?" Areum said, showing her new lion king toy to her Appa.

Jin looked down at his baby girl and smiled. Even on this gloomy day, she was able to make him smile — everything she did make his world a brighter one. "I miss you too! Yes, Appa would love to see your new toy." Jin planted a kiss on her forehead as he hugged her tighter.

"Jin, sorry, can I talk to you for a moment? In private, please? It's important." Jungkook said as he stood in front of Jin's door stiffly.

Jin pulled away from his daughter and glared at the man standing before him. "Areum, Appa will look at your toy later. Can you please go to your playroom while I talk to your dad?" Jin requested of his daughter, she looked up and Jungkook, then back at Jin and then nod her head. "Okay, you promise you will look at my toy later?"

"Of course, baby, I promise." Jin ruffled her hair, and she smiled at him before she took off running to her playroom.

As soon as she was out of sight, Jin glared at Jungkook, "So, it's Jin today, not "babe" anymore?" he rolled his eyes at the man before him, then turned his back and walked away towards the balcony.

He silent prayed today wouldn't be the day he gets charged with murder as he opened the balcony door.

Jungkook lowered his head and let out a deep sigh as he followed behind Jin. He knew what he was going to try and do, was certainly not going to be easy.

Once they were on the balcony together, Jin took a seat. Jungkook tried sitting next to him, but Jin stopped him. "Please sit over there!" Jin pointed to the seat opposite of him.

Jungkook let out another deep sigh. Yup, it was not going to be easy.

"What you want to talk to me about what's so important? Is it about Areum?"

Jungkook scratched the back of his head; he was slightly nervous as Jin was looking directly at him. He had to turn his head; he couldn't look him in the eye. He felt ashamed.

"Ummm..n-no, i-its, I-" The words he wanted to say couldn't come out.

"This is unlike you. Why are you acting so retarded all of a sudden?" Jin questions as he leans back in his chair with his arms folded.

"Jin, please. I am trying here." Jungkook said as he breathes out and bites into his bottom lip.

"What exactly are you trying? Trying to see how much of my time you can waste? If so, you have already wasted 10 minutes." Seeing that Jungkook wasn't responding to him, he got up from his seat and began walking towards the balcony door.

"IM SORRY," Jungkook yelled out. Earning him a weird look from Jin, "Excuse me? What was that?"

He reached out and pulled Jin's wrist, "Please, I am begging you, sit back down. I want to make this right." He pleads to Jin.

Jin pulls his hand away from his, "I want to stand. Please continue whatever it is you are trying to do." He folded his arms once more and glared down at Jungkook even though his heart was pounding in his chest.

"Jin, I fucked up-"

"More like a fuck up." Jin chimed in, interrupting Jungkook.

Jungkook grits his teeth together and breathes out deeply, "Yes, you are right. I fucked up and I a fuck up. Definitely both. I am sorry for how I left you four years ago. I was selfish and inconsiderate towards you-"

"Was? More like you still are."

Jungkook grips into his hair, but continued after being interrupted for the second time, "I-I am, and I am sorry. There is no excuse for why I left you the way I did. I tried countless times to look for excuses. Blaming my father, Jimin, you, everyone else, but me. But at the end of the day, I was wrong. I knew what I was doing when I did it. I knew what I had done would've hurt you, yet I did it anyway. Now, truthfully, I did not expect to cause you as much harm as I did. I took you for granted, and I took advantage of your love for me-"

"More like you made a fool out of my love for you, but yeah, go on."

"Jin, I am trying to apologize here, I really mean everything, I am saying to you right now." Jungkook was becoming frustrated with how Jin kept cutting him off.

"That's fine, and I am trying to get things off my chest too. If you are apologizing to me, please do it correctly. Ain't nobody wants to hear no water ass down apologies from you. So if you are sorry, say it like you mean it and don't try looking for sympathy from me." Jin plopped down into the seat across from Jungkook as he eyed him up and down.

"I broke your heart, and I am sorry. I took away your innocence, and I am sorry. I left you knowingly, without a care of how it would affect or impact your life. When I went I didn't think of your heart, I only thought of my own, and for that, I am sincerely sorry. I used your innocence and your love for me against you. Worst of all, because of my selfish ways, I left you alone to raise two kids on your own, when I should've been there with you. That's something I could never forgive myself for.

Jin, I know I hurt you and I so sorry, from the bottom of my heart I want you to know that I am genuinely sorry." Jin remained stoic as Jungkook spoke. All while his heart was bleeding. He sat there looking into the eyes of the man that ripped his life apart.

Jungkook got down on his knees, "I know I am four years late, but please accept my apologies. I don't want you hating me for the rest of my life. Everything I have done to you up to now has been wrong. The way I treated you after finding out about Areum, taking you to court, everything I have done thus far has been me being selfish and self-centered. I am so ashamed of myself and the man that I have become. I am even embarrassed to look my daughter in her eyes and tell her all the wrong I have done to her Appa.

Jin, I know this might not make any sense, and it most certainly won't make up for all the misery that I have put you through, but I mean it when I say I am so sorry. Sorry for everything. I want you to know you never did anything wrong to me. I didn't leave because of anything you did; I left because I was a coward. I left because I wasn't a real man."

It was that last sentence that shattered Jin's heart entirely, as he burst into tears.

"Please leave," he whispered through his tears.

Jungkook stretched out to touch Jin, but he pushes his hand away, "Please, please leave." Jin said while crying.

"I am sorry Jin, I really am." Jungkook cried out. "I hurt you, and I am sorry. Please forgive me."

"GET OUT!!!" Jin got up from the chair he was sitting on and yelled at the top of his lungs.

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