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Jin's Pov:

I tried calling Jungkook after he had left, but he didn't pick up. As I was getting ready to head over to his house, my doorbell rings. I eagerly ran to the door; it was probably him coming to apologize, as he should.

"Jun-...oh hi Hobi." My excitement was dwindling as I realize it was not Jungkook, but Hoseok. I guess I forgot I told him to come over. "Woah, did you get all dressed up like that for?" Hobi said, walking into my house.

I huffed, "no, I didn't."

"Well, no reason to get an attitude, what got you pissed off? Yoongi told me lover boy stopped by and ruined a session between you too. Can't believe you were both having fun behind my back." He expressed and pretended to be hurt.

"Oh, cut the shit. You and Yoongi be fucking day and night without me." It's not like I didn't know they were animals around each other.

"True, but it's not like we don't want you to join us. I would love nothing more than to have that ass bent over and fuck the life out of you, but unfortunately, I have to respect your decision to wait on mister next door, who don't even notice you. Why was he over here, anyway?" This is what Jungkook didn't freaking understand; I had Hoseok and Yoongi ready to take me, but yet he denied me. How dumb?

"I know. Not much, he was checking on me." I wasn't ready to tell him what had happened, especially when I was feeling used by that dick head.

"Checking on you? is that right." Hoseok said, raising his eyebrows which cause me to giggle, "Yes, just checking on me. Get your mind, right."

"Me, get my mind right. Says the person whose mind is filled with nothing but sexual desires of a man he cannot have. I'll have you know my mind is probably the purest out of us both. Well, except for right now. You in those shorts..." He licked his lips. Oh no, not happening. I already had Yoongi tongue up my ass and Jungkook cock down my throat today, no way was I going to turn myself into a whore. The first two were unexpected, this time, absolutely no.

"Hobi, get your horny ass out my house. I can no longer have sexual interactions with you or Yoongi." My baby said he doesn't share.

"Why not?" He pouted, "Because, I can't and I won't. I am a man on a mission, and you and Yoongi are distractions. I have learned I can no longer act as a teen if I am going to get my man. I need to work on maturing myself to his level."

Hobi burst out in laughter, "Seriously! Jin you are freaking 18. This is why you need someone in your age range. Let Jungkook go, that's a relationship that won't work or lift-off. Even so, why settle for him when you can have Yoongi and me." I looked at him in disgust, "I am sorry, but being with an older man is my kink and sharing a man is not my thing. Plus, I get to have a real daddy, you nor Yoongi don't possess the skills to be my daddy. I get over on you guys." They gave in to anything I wanted, where was the fun in that. I want a man like Jungkook who puts me in place, yet looks at me like he wants to fuck the life out of me. He was mysterious in some ways as there was a lot I didn't know about him. However, one thing I was sure of is that he's the one I want, and nothing will stop me from wanting him.

He wants me to grow-up, fine, I will work on that.

"You are so horrible. Anyway, since you want to be a bore and not do anything, can we at least cuddle? I am spending the night here, and that wasn't me asking, I am telling you." I leaned back and looked at him; I was impressed with Hobi's words. Let me find out he can be a daddy too.

"Yes, we can cuddle. I have to shower and get ready for bed."

"I thought you were ready for bed?" he said, looking me up and down.

"No, I didn't shower, but I will be quick."

"Can I join?"

"No, you cannot!" What's wrong with these perverts. Do they not understand that I am saving myself for the man next door.

"Oh, I forgot I am not Jungkook."

"Damn right, you ain't." There was a difference in size. 

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