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Jin's Pov:

I grabbed my phone and dialed Namjoon's number as soon as Jungkook left my apartment with his threat. "How's my second favorite person doing?" he answered, causing me to roll my eyes. "Why am I second, who is first?" Of course, I knew the answer; this is what he says all the time.

"Areum, as much as I want you to be first, she wins my heart every time." I laughed, "You do know you can't date my daughter, right?"

"Duh, that's why I am trying to date her dad, but he keeps denying my love and affection." I couldn't help but roll my eyes again. "Whatever. Anyway, I need some serious advice. I may even need you to be my lawyer." I said with a deep sigh. I can't believe I am dealing with this now.

"What, why? Is everything okay?" He said his tone becoming serious with concern.

"It's Jungkook," I said, plopping down on my bed.

"Jungkook? Areum's dad? What's up with him, I thought he didn't know about Areum and Kai?" he said, sounding confused.

"He didn't, until today I guess. It appears he is my new neighbor and Areum met him. Long story short, he knows and says he will see in me in court for keeping her a secret. I never kept her a secret, you know that; he didn't know about her because he left me! Can he do that? Can he actually take me to court for that? I mean he disappeared, what rights does he have?" I can't dare to put anything past Jungkook, he was the same person who left me four years ago without even looking back. Before I immerse in tears, I need to figure out how to be a father to my daughter and make sure Jungkook don't win whatever game he is going to try playing. I lost my son, I can't lose my daughter too. What would be the point in living then?

"Damn that's messed up. Jin I know how you feel about him and believe me I don't know him personally, but I think and feel the same as well. As unfortunate as it is, while a father never had many parental rights previously, they do now. Though Jungkook might not be able to take Areum from you, he can file a paternity claim. In doing so, the judge will need testing to ensure that he is the biological father of Areum, and as we know it, he is. Therefore, he can be granted legal custody as a parent. This will cause any decision made regarding Areum's welfare to be a collaborative decision between the two of you. If he is granted this, you and he will be equal in decision making.

However, if that is the case, and you are not okay with, you can file your own parenting agreement with the court. The judge will take this into consideration and might lessen what Jungkook request is. However, we don't know what his request will be. If Jungkook wants to be involved, it might be hard for you to get this approval as you cannot prove he is a dead beat dad. While he did leave you, he did not leave Areum because he really didn't know about Areum. He was not given a choice to see if he wants to be apart of the child's life or not, technically both Areum's and Kai's life.

This is messed up Jin, but considering Kai died and he didn't know, can be a problem for you. I know, trust me. I know this is bad because he left you without a means of contacting him. However, as a lawyer, I have to be honest with you and what you could be up against. Every parent has a fundamental right to raise and love their own kids. Unless, they give up that right, which he can fight and say he did not because he did not know. His son was buried, and he did not get to meet him. Jungkook is well known, he is reputable to the country, he won't be seen as a man that left you, he will be seen as a man whose child died and it was unknown to him. This can be a severe and damaging case if he really follows through with bringing you to court.

People can see it as you being selfish because he slept with you and left for not involving him, into his kid's life."

"Namjoon, that's not fair! I didn't deny him rights into his kid's life. He left. Doesn't that count for something?" This cannot be, life cannot be so unfair.

"If I was to look at this from a friend's point of view, yes, you are right, but from a legal point of view, no. You could've written to him, you had a means of getting in contact with him, but you chose not to. Due to your anger towards him, you made a personal decision to raise your kids on your own. Which I cannot blame you for. He hurt you, but he did not harm those kids. As the father, unfortunately, he had a right to know about them. I hinted this to you before, but I understood your pain and couldn't force you to make him aware. I am truly sorry, Jin. I am willing to represent you in court if it comes to it as you know I am the best out there, but I would say prepare yourself. If you still have that letter Jungkook wrote when he left, it will help to have some type of a win. However, it is more likely he will be granted visitation rights at a minimum."

"Thanks, Joon. I gotta go." I hung up the phone before he could respond. Life is so fucked up. You left me, and now you can actually fight me for parental rights? Who created these dumb laws! I don't care how much power he has, I am not giving up my child. No way, you are going to leave me and then think you can walk back into my life and take away what's most precious to me. He did it once, and I'll be damn if I allow him to do it again. He might be a weakness, but my daughter is way more important than he will ever be. 


A/N: Not a lawyer, but I did do some legal research behind this.

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