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Jin's Pov:

I screamed out as I released all over Yoongi hand and my own. I quickly pushed him from between my legs before grabbing my pants and rushing off to the bathroom to wipe up myself.

"Yoongi, spray air freshener," I yelled out from the bathroom. "Jungkook said he's coming-" the sound of the doorbell cuts me off before I could even finish my sentence.

This is not good, so not good. I hauled on my pants and ran out of the bathroom and back into the living room, checking to make sure everything was in order before heading towards the door. I was about to open it, but then I remember Yoongi was still here.

"Yoongi, go to my room." I mouthed to him. He looked at me, annoyed. "Just go you ass," I yelled at him, but in silence. He already got me in enough trouble as it is.

He huffed but took off up the stairs. All while my bell kept going off. Once he was out of view, I yanked the front door open.

"What took you so long?" Jungkook says as soon as I opened the door.

I looked him up and down; he was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a black t-shirt with his hair looking all messy as if he had just woken up. Damn my man is fine, even when he isn't trying to be.

"You look good." I finally choked out.

"I don't believe I asked you how I looked. I asked what took you so long?" His eyes were scanning the inside of my house from the front door. I was standing in front of him, still hadn't invited him in as of yet. I didn't want to, not with Yoongi here.

"Sweatpants does fit you well." Sure as hell did. I could see the imprint of his massive friend through his pants. I wonder how that would fit, and I guess with lots of lube anything is possible.

"Are you going to let me in or, am I to keep standing out here?" That was tempting to have him in my home. He never asked to come inside before without my parents being home, so this was tempting. Damn, why did Yoongi have to ruin everything? Can't he like climb down my window and leave or the back staircase.

"Earth to Jin." He flashed his hands in front of my face. What beautiful fingers he has. I could undoubtedly suck on those.


"Sorry, my Kookie. I w-"

"What did you just call me?" He asks, giving me a confused look.

"Oh, Kookie, it's my nickname for you. Do you like it? I have more, and you want to hear them?" He put his hands on my waist and pushed me aside before stepping into my home.

OMG, he touched me, like touched me, touch me......on my waist! I can't keep calm. I think I am going to cum again.

"Why are you cheesing like that? Are you okay? Where's that Y-yoongi person you said was here?" Oh crap! "He just left." Really Seokjin.

He eyes me curiously, "did he now, so how come I didn't see him?"

"How am I supposed to know? Maybe, it's time to get those eyes checked out. I can't marry a blind man." I pulled out my phone and sent a quick text to Yoongi, telling him to climb down the stairs that was located to the back of the house and leave. I did not wait for him to respond before putting my phone away.

"I don't believe you," Jungkook said, walking closer towards me.

"I don't understand why. It's not like I am lying to you." I took a step closer to him. Now, don't be a punk Jungkook, keep coming closer.

He scrunches up his nose, "Your living room smells like sex." I froze. "umm...I am a teen Jungkook. What do you expect? I told you I have needs. The parents are away; I can do what I like. You denied me Hoseok, Taehyung, and well..."

"So, you are saying you were not just having sex with that Y-yoongi kid?" He ignored the rest of my statement.

"NO! Are you crazy? And stop calling him "Y-yoongi" Its Yoongi! Get it right." How dare he think I had sex with Yoongi, he just sucked my ass, that's all. No sex.

"Maybe if you hadn't moaned his name on the phone and say it out clearly, I wouldn't be calling him the wrong name." Can the floor swallow me up, please? I was freaking ten shades brighter at this point.

He walks closer to me, "Are you going to lie to me and say you did not have sex with him? Are you really going to keep lying about being a "virgin" and wanting me to "pop your cherry" while you over here fucking Hoseok and Yoongi every other weekend? You think I don't know what goes on over here when you are all horny teenagers get together. Your parents might not know, but I do!"

How dare he accuse me! I mean, some parts were correct, but the sex part was a lie! I never did such a thing. I was waiting for his stupid ass.

"I DID NOT you asshole!" Were we going to have our first lovers quarrel over something so stupid?

He steps back and looks at me in amusement, "Did you just yell and curse at me?"

"Sorry! You made me mad! Why are you even over here? You don't like me; you are always bothering me and playing with my emotions. You love accusing me and call me a kid all the time. Now you are blackmailing me. Not to mention you just stopped me for getting the best ass sucking of my lif-" Holy hell, crap! "What I meant w-"

"So, I was right. You were having sex?" He chuckled.

"No, I wasn't. I mean, we didn't. Geesh Jungkook. Yoongi, Hoseok and I play around sometimes, but I promise you we don't have sex." I tried defending myself, but I was too embarrassed to piece my thoughts together.

"So, you haven't had sex with anyone? You guys only play around?" He asked, closing the gap between him and me.

"Correct." I gulped, damn his breath smelled better than I imagine. I wonder what his tongue tastes like.

He leaned next to my ears, and his following words killed me, "You do know if you want me to pop your cherry you can't keep playing around with them, right. Jeon Jungkook does not share." 


A/N: Enjoy the fun moments now. The real plot of the story hasn't begun. I'm enjoying my outline and framework for this story. I think you guys will like it. It will be a long story too.

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