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I played the above song while writing, you can listen while reading as well.  

Jungkook's Pov:

Areum was sprawled out in the sofa between me and Jin. We ended up watching a total of five movies. I didn't know that there were so many Disney princesses. Now I understand why women grow up with the expectation to be treated like one. I hope my daughter won't grow up with a princess mentality, thinking she can have everything her way. Jin seems to be raising her well already, so that's at least a good thing.

The most crucial lesson in these movies is that it shows that there is definitely hope, no matter what you go through. They give one hope for a better tomorrow. Just like I am hoping for a better tomorrow with Jin. My divorce isn't finalized, but within the next month or so it should be if Jimin agrees to the final terms. I couldn't believe he claimed that I cheated on him and had kids outside the marriage. What an idiot! That was easily disputed.

He already made me out to be a monster to our social circle, but it is what it is. When am I not in the wrong. After a while, you get used to it.

"I am guessing she is sleeping here tonight," Jin said as he picked Areum up in his arms.

"No, I can take her over to my place," I told him as I got up to take Areum from him, but he pulled back. "She is here already, you can come to get her tomorrow. I'll see you tomorrow." He said and walked off down the hallway.

I sighed and sat back on the sofa. I know he pretty much told me to leave, but there was something I needed to discuss with him. Something that had been playing at my mind. I know after this conversation, if he allows it, he might not like me, but its the only way I can see both of us moving forward.

"You are still here?" He questions as he walks back into the living room.

"Yeah, I wanted to have a quick chat with you, if you are up to it." He looked around the room and then at the clock.

"Jungkook it's 11 PM, can this wait until tomorrow?" He asked.

"It can, but I don't think we will get another moment like this." Tonight was perfect, Areum was sleeping. There was no interruption from Taehyung, the best time to have a conversation if you ask me, but I do understand he may be tired.

"Fine. What's up?" he plops down on the sofa and pulls the bucket with the remaining popcorn into his lap and began eating.

"You matured a lot," I said to him as I watch him intently.

"I'll take that as a compliment I guess," he said, shrugging his shoulder while eating his popcorn.

"It was and Jin, first I just want you to hear me out. Can you do that please?" I needed to make this request because I had a lot to say. I had been thinking about things for a while, trying to frame them in my head and how I should voice out my thoughts to him.

"Sure, go ahead Jungkook." He said, not looking at me as he continued eating his popcorn.

I frowned but began talking, "You know I apologize for what I did and honestly if I could rewind the hands of time, I would revert back to that very moment and change not one thing, but a lot of things. As much as I love and care for you, I should've kept my distance. Even when you tried endlessly to seduce me, I as the older one should've stood my ground. For years you attempted to come onto me, but I deliberately ignored you because I knew it wouldn't turn out well.

I assumed my future was already planned for me, and no way was there room for a young teen like you at the time. I cursed myself each time I looked at you in a way that was not brotherly like. It's the reason why even when we began dating I still kept you at bay, I treated you coldly in hopes you would leave me, but you didn't.

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