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Jin's Pov:

I had freedom! My parents had left. It was just me and my house. My man was right next door, and we were spending a lot of time together. Today was supposed to be another good day for us, but I had an intruder who had no intentions of leaving.  Yoongi, he was now by my house being annoying. 

"Jin can you pay attention to me please?" Yoongi grumbled. 

"I am, but what you are saying makes no sense. Why don't you and Hobi want to see me happy?"  He and Hobi kept trying to convince me that something was off with Jungkook. They were just jealous. 

"Jin, Hobi, and I only want the best for you. Right now, we are young. We are still in high school. Jungkook is five years older than you, about to be six if I am correct. He is on a different path than you are right now. I think he is hiding something from you too. Don't you find it weird how he never allows you over his house? It's going on about two months since you both have been "dating" ever since yall started "dating" he stops you from coming over to his house. It's just weird. I know you are always horny as shit and as much as I am still horny for you. I think you should at least wait six months to a year before having sex with that guy. Graduate high school first. Right now, you are chasing him, and that should not be the way it works. Let him chase you too." Gosh! Why was everyone trying to tell me how to live my life. 

"What happens if he gets bored with me, though?"

"If he gets bored with you fool, then it means he is not meant for you. It's that simple. It means you need to move on. You are young; you will find someone who is worth it. Life at this age is for us to make mistakes, have fun, and enjoy life. Not for us to be tied down in commitment or fighting to grow up. You are just eighteen! You already start acting like a freaking housewife. Hobi and I don't even get to see you anymore. All because Jungkook tells you, he doesn't want to share you, what kind of bullshit is that anyway. You are dating; it's not like he is really your boyfriend." 

"It's the same thing! Dating and me being his boyfriend. There is no difference between the two. I get what you are saying though. I won't carelessly sleep with him. I haven't been pushing it either."  Was he stupid, how could he mention that Jungkook wasn't my boyfriend. We were together. He is my boyfriend, silly Yoongi. 

"Right, you Seokjin is not pushing sex with Jeon Jungkook. You must think I don't know you very well." He laughed. 

"I am serious. We don't do anything, besides kiss here and there." It was the truth. I wasn't pushing things anymore. 

"And who was ensure nothing else happened. I think that's more Jungkook's willpower than it is your own. You drool whenever that guy is around. I doubt you have the guts to tell him no. " He said as he continued to laugh. 

"Fuck you, Min Yoongi."

"Whenever you ready babe. Anytime you want a real one, find me. I won't deny you access to my home or my heart. I will make you number 1."

"And you questioned why I don't want yall teenagers. Who says corny shit like that. Yall are so immature." These kids. Don't even know what it is to be a real man. 

"Wow, says another teenager. We will see who is the immature one. I believe in you and Jungkook when I get an invitation to that wedding until then I see this as a joke. A grown man trying to keep a kid entertained. Don't act like you don't see that short ass friend of his keep going over his house." 

Yoongi is so fucking annoying! 

"That's his friend, you ass! Taehyung and that short one is his friend." How many times do must I explain this. I used to think him, and the short one had something going on until he started dating me. Why would he date me if he had someone else, that didn't make sense? Jungkook was too mature for that stuff. 

"You are so fucking naive. How do you get all A's in school? You cheat, don't you?" Or you lack common sense, which one is it? I am embarrassed to call you, my best friend."

"Leave me alone! You only my best friend because you want to fuck me! You are now jealous of Jungkook cause you think I will let him have what you can't!" I snap back at him. 

"Actually my love, I am not. I think I will be the one left to pick up the pieces when he no longer wants you."

I was getting annoyed with him.

"Can you please stop saying that. He is not like that. He is not using me. He doesn't even want us to have sex, you idiot."

He burst out in laughter, "and you believe that? That's what they say to make you think they care. He doesn't really care about you. He is showing you his good side so he can get into your pants. Once he gets your virginity, he is going to disappear. Think about it, did Jungkook show you any interest before you told him you were a virgin? Use your brain Seokjin. Then you done gone and sucked him off. Did he even return the favor?"


"Exactly! Be wise and be smart. Don't mess up your life is all I am saying Seokjin. You have always been an emotional fool. Don't be blinded by him."

Jungkook wasn't using me that was not like him at all. I had known him for some time. He was my neighbor too. 

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