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Jin's Pov:

To my surprise when Jungkook said we were going away for the weekend. He was taking me to the Park Hyatt hotel he said he had booked a romantic night for two for us. I was extremely nervous. I thought we were going outside of Busan, but I guess not.

The hotel was incredibly gorgeous. I had driven past it before. Also, I had stayed at the Hyatt in Paris when I went with my parents. However, the decor of this one was very different.

"What do you think of the room?" Jungkooked asked me as he placed our bags in the closet

"It's nice. I love the view the most. I am sure it will be prettier tonight." I said, smiling at him.

"I am glad you like it he said, wrapping his arms around me. This weekend is meant to be special for us. I want you to enjoy it to the fullest. We have a couples massage in the afternoon, then we have a dinner reservation tonight. Then," He turns me to face him, "We will come back here and have a glass of wine and enjoy the view. Then maybe we can go shopping in the morning. What do you think?"

"I love it! Except for the drinking. I am not legal to drink."

"Tonight you don't need to be baby, you are with me." He said as he brought his lips to mines. The kiss was slow but passionate. I can't remember Jungkook ever kissing me this way before.

He pulled away and leaned his forehead against my own, "You are beautiful, you know that right? too damn beautiful for your own good." He kissed me on my nose and then my lips again. "Come on, let us go before I do something we both end up regretting." He said and pulled me out of the room. Why does he keep thinking I would regret sleeping with him. I was nervous as hell, but regret it? I don't think I would.


The couple massage and the dinner wow, mind-blowing. The massage was exactly what my muscles needed and that food. Damn this hotel knew how to cook. Their dessert though was the best. I could sit all night and have sweets. I actually wanted to, but Jungkook said we needed to get back to the room. I did take a slice of cheesecake with me, though.

"Go and change for bed. I will prepare our wine." Jungkook said. I took my nightshirt and went into the bathroom and change. Once I was done, I head back into the room.

"That's what you are sleeping in?" Jungkook asks as he eyed me up and down.

"Yes, is something wrong?" I was wearing a knee length t-shirt

"No, nothing is wrong. Here you go," Jungkook said, handing me a glass of wine.

"Thank you."

"I am going to change." He said, and disappeared.

I took a seat by the window and looked out at view watching the late night drivers drive across the bridge, it was beautiful out. I could certainly live like this.

"You like it?" I turned around to face Jungkook only to see he was only wearing sports shorts. No shirt on. Damn, he was defined. "I like it a lot."

"I am talking about the view Seokjin," Jungkook said chuckling.

"Me too," I said, looking at him as I took a sip of my wine. He walked closer to me, and my breath hitched.

"Get up." I did what he asked without questioning him. Once I got up, he sat right down in my seat and pulled me down into his lap. holy shit, I was sitting on Jungkook Jr. I could feel him against my ass.

"Drink your wine." He muttered as kissed my shoulder. I got so nervous at his touch on my waist and his lips on my shoulder that I drowned down the entire glass.

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