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Seokjin's Pov:

The lump in my throat was massive; I couldn't breathe, I feel as though someone was choking me as my eyes teared up more than before. I wanted to talk, but I couldn't, my chest tightens. I began flashing my hand as I tried desperately to breathe on my own, but it wasn't working; my breathing was not coming back. If only I could swallow the lump in my throat, but I couldn't, it wasn't moving. Taehyung was talking, but I couldn't hear him as everything went black, and that was the last thing I remember.

Hoseok's Pov:

This was far too much for one person. My best friend did not deserve any of this, why in the world can't he be happy like hell, it's just one thing after the next in his life. I couldn't believe Taehyung, this whole thing hit me from left field, when Yoongi told me the truth that he had gotten from Jungkook, I didn't believe him, but I questioned it as my husband was not someone to easily believe someone.

I couldn't understand why Jungkook never told me any of that when I spoke with him, all he did was ask for my forgiveness and confessed how much he knew he messed up and wanted to be there for Areum and Jin if he could. I was in no position to tell him he couldn't, nor did I want to. As Jin's best friend, it was clear that Jin no matter what never got over Jungkook. He said he hated Jungkook for what he did, but I think he was more disappointed in who Jungkook turned out to be.

For Jin, Jungkook was his everything; you'd have to be blind not to have realized that. There was nothing in the world Jin would not have given Jungkook; I think if given a chance to go back in time and change the events that led him to this moment, he would've made the same decision even while knowing the consequences. Yoongi warned Jin, I warned him, even Jungkook did, but none of that mattered to him. He wanted what he wanted,, and honestly I can't fault him for it, nor have I ever, I was the same way, when I thought Jin and I belong together.

With maturity though I have learned that I was really young and silly. It's funny because I believe if, given the opportunity to turn back the hands of time, Jungkook perhaps would not have dated Jin unless he was sure that's what he wanted. At first, my husband could not understand why I forgave Jungkook or even why I pushed for him to meet with him, but truthfully, I was there I witnessed most of it Jin knows my honest thoughts on things.

Jungkook was incredibly wrong for how he left Jin, it had to be the cruelest thing you could have ever done to another human being, he knew how Jin felt about him,, and I don't think he considered any of that while leaving, he was selfish and nothing can change my mind about that.

However, as my best friend, Jin, pushed every bit of wanting to be with Jungkook, he never cared about anything else. His focus was dead set on making Jungkook is; he wanted to lose his virginity to Jungkook that was a goal of his. No one in the world could have told Jin back then that he and Jungkook weren't meant to be together and if you dare say to him that, you were a hater and a jealous bitch.

I learned so much from Jungkook's and Jin's relationship; it's the reason why when Yoongi confessed to me, I was like fuck it and stuck with him. I did not want to go exploring and end up getting hurt the way I had seen my best friend hurt.

After Jungkook left, Jin has never been whole; not even the kids have made him whole. Kai dying was like another stab to his heart that was already in pieces. Areum is the only one holding him together, but I know it, my husband knows, and even Taehyung knows it, there is only one person who can make Jin whole again.

It's the reason why he has never dated, never gave Taehyung a chance or any other man that came into his life. It's not because he was scared or had a lot to deal with, it was because of no matter what Jungkook was the only man who resided in his heart and still does.

This is why what Taehyung has done shocks me so much to the core like Taehyung had become one of us, he sad what Jungkook leaving did to Jin, he saw how when Kai was sick Jin cried still wishing Jungkook was around to at least say goodbye or hold his son, I am again fucked up by it all. So, It does not surprise me that Jin ended up in the hospital. I don't even know how much more of this shit he can handle.

I feel like burying Jungkook for being so dumb, selfish, and a coward, but I know if I do that might as well I bury Jin too. I don't know what to do anymore, but I am tired of seeing my friend hurt. He needs to meet with Jungkook like Jungkook requested and take baby steps, but I know he won't go, Jungkook doesn't know that, but I know it. 

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