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Jin's Pov:

"So, you and Tae?" I jump at the sound of Hoseok voice and turn to face him. "I don't know what you are talking about," I said to him trying to keep a straight face. He and Yoongi had officially made it over

"Your walk is different, and Tae is cheesing like an idiot. I know something happened." He teases. "Gosh, you are annoying. Why do you have to notice everything!" I rolled my eyes at him. "I also, notice that Tae has a bruise on his face, you guys were kinky. Here I thought Yoongi and I were the freaks. You've grown so much that I forgot what you could be like. Tae is one lucky idiot."

"Shut up! I didn't do that to him. Jungkook did." I watch as Hoseok eyes go wide, "Say what now? When did this happen?"

I tell him everything that transpired earlier that day, not leaving out a drop of detail. Not that I could anyway when it came to gossip Hoseok wanted to know everything. "WOW! I'm speechless. I think Jungkook is jealous."

"Jealous my ass. He's married Hobi. He is annoying, that's what he is. I am so mad he did that in front of Areum, and I am pissed at Tae too, he had no business saying what he said to Jungkook. As much as I can't stand him, that was a low blow."

"Look at you defending your baby daddy. Being married has nothing to do with being jealous. He is clearly annoyed by Tae." I push him away from next to me.

"Stop it. I am not defending him. I am only speaking the truth. He should not have used my son's name to anger Jungkook, especially not with me standing right there. Do you know how that makes me feel? However, I am not saying that was a reason for him to hit Tae, don't get me wrong. I don't think he is annoyed by Tae. He is probably pissed that his ex-best friend spends more time around his kids than he ever did. Angry and bitter is what he is, and that's his personal problem. I am angry that one of baby ain't here with me and my daughter is spending the weekend by him, but you don't see me beating up on people or taking my anger out on them."

I was now feeling worked up over the entire situation. "I am sorry, Jin. I get it, you are right. Have you spoken to Areum, is she okay?"

"I did, she is fine. Jungkook took her to Mcdonald's so you know she's having the time of her life. He's treating her like your man does, giving her a lot of junk."

"Jin, can I have a hug?" Hoseok walks towards me and pulls me into his arms. "You have been dealing with a lot, and I am sorry for not being there. Please don't stress yourself out. I know you don't want Jungkook around. I think all of us can understand why. Why don't you and I kick Taehyung and Yoongi out and we have a night for just us. We can watch old-time movies, eat ice cream and pig out. Unless you had plans with Tae."

I hugged onto Hoseok tightly. He had no idea what that meant to me. My heart was aching so much. In one day I had done something I shouldn't have. I was without my daughter for the first time in forever; it was all too much for me. I wanted so badly to go get her from Jungkook, but I couldn't, and that bothered me.

"Thank you so much, Hobi. I have no plans with Taehyung and would rather he head home. I actually wanted to be alone, but you being here will be so much better. I miss Areum so much; you have no idea. My heart broke when I spoke to her earlier, and she sounded genuinely happy. What if she decides that she likes Jungkook more than she likes me and wants to be with him permanently. Am I selfish?"

"No baby, you aren't selfish. What you are feeling is completely normal. I am sure even though she's having fun; she misses you like crazy. You are here amazing Appa. You baby girl is so smart; she could never leave you."

I pull away from Hoseok and smile at him, "You are the best. Thank god I have you as a friend. You have helped me through so much. I don't know what I would've done without you guys." He gave me the biggest smile, "I will always be here. I better be the best man at your wedding when you get married to Tae."

"Yah! I am not getting married to Tae. We are not like that. It was just a one-time thing." he raises his eyebrow at me. "Does he know that?"

"Of course he does."

"Right. That's what you think. I don't get why you won't give him a chance. You have to move forward in life Jin. Unless you are waiting for...."


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