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Yoonjin Alert.

"Why you look so sad?" Yoongi asked me as he tried feeding me some of the food he had brought me.

"That asshole next door. He keeps ignoring me." I whined.

"Jin, he's a grown man. I told you this vision you have of y'all being together ain't going to work. Why don't you try finding someone your age? There are so many boys at our school who would jump to date you. Shoot, if I didn't have a thing for Hoseok, I'd date you in a heartbeat. You know that right." I rolled my eyes at him.

"You don't get it. What if when you confess to Hoseok, he says no? How would you feel? And, of course, you'd date me, who wouldn't." I huff. I knew I was handsome. I was the full package. Only that idiot next door was blind. Everybody else knew it. I was probably giving up good dick for him. He better be worth it.

"Hoseok and I are already a thing. Well, we are trio until you leave us, then we will be official. He is not going to deny me. No one else can pleasure him like how I do, and he knows that. If you have doubts on us becoming official, I can let you sample what I have to offer." He said, licking his lips.

"No! Stop. I'm saving myself for my husband next door. Have some respect." Rude.

He frowned.

"However, if you want to make out, I guess we can," I said, giving him a wink.

"You are trouble, do you know that," Yoongi said gripping onto my thigh. I could see the lust in his eyes. Damn, I wish Hoseok was here too.

"Am I now? I thought you like trouble." I said, trailing my fingers up and down on his chest.

"Does your neighbor know you like this? Does your future husband know the freak he has waiting for him? I'm sure he's had many guys before. Let me be your first, let me be the first to bless that hole of yours Jin. Just once." Damn who knew Yoongi could be like this. I was actually turned on.

His lips came crashing down on my own. I kissed him back without hesitation. This wasn't new to me. How we spend most of our times anyway. "Can I finger you, please?" He said against my lips.

"No," I smiled against his lips.

"Such a fucking tease. How about my tongue." My member perked up at the sound of that.

"Mmm...I might like that very much." He pulls away. "Strip then."

"In the living room?" Was he serious?

"Yes, right here. Take these pants off." He tugged on my pants.

I got up and slipped right out them. No way was I going to argue about getting his tongue in my ass.

"Lay down," Yoongi says, pushing me back on the sofa.

He looked at my member and licked his lips. Then lift my legs and examine my hole. I could feel his hot breath blowing against it. His finger runs over it, and I jerk. He starts circling the outside with his finger. "No finger in!" I yell out to him.

"Don't worry. I won't yet. As tempting as it is. Damn. You look so fucking tight. You sure you don't want to feel what it feels like to have something real in there? I'll make sure you don't regret it." I laugh out loud.

"I'm sure, Yoongi. Now suck or let me get up." He didn't allow me to say anything more as his tongue circled my rim. "Mmmm" That felt so good.

His hand reached up and gripped my member, stroking it. While his tongue worked the outer part of my hole, teasing it as the tip dip in and out of my hole. I wanted more. This felt too good.

Ring ring ring ring.

Fuck, it's my phone. Whoever it was could wait. I picked it up just to check.

Shit! It's Jungkook. Why is he calling me he never call me?

"Y-yoongi S-stop." I was trying to make him stop so I could pick up, but he didn't.

He began pumping me harder while inserting his tongue fully into my hole.

Shit! I'll just have to be quiet.

"H-hello?" I bit my lip to suppress the moan trying to escape.

"What are you doing? Who was that guy that rang your doorbell?" Jungkook.

Yoongi strokes and tongue were getting faster. Shit. I couldn't speak without moaning out.

"Seokjin I'm talking to you." His voice was stern.

"Y-yoongi." I breathe out.

"Why do you sound like that?" Shit! Because I'm getting my ass fuck and your being annoying. Geesh! Is this the man I was saving myself for? He isn't too bright, is he?

"Mmmm," a moan escape my mouth.


"That's it! I'm coming over." He said and hung up the phone.

Shit, why did I pick up!!!!

"Yoongi, we have to S-stopppp."

Yoongi ignored me and picked up his pace. His tongue was working harder than before I was so fucking close.

I brought my hand down to meet his over my member and began rubbing my tip, desperate for my release. Fuck, Jungkook has such horrible timing.

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