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Seokjin's Pov:

"He just walked out on me Hoseok. I was so shocked by his question that I didn't know what to do or what do say." I had called Hoseok right after I showered and had gathered myself together. I had tried calling Jungkook, but he ignored my call.

"Jungkook is jealous. I am sure he will be back once he calms down and if it makes you feel any better, he is with Yoongi."

"He is?"

"Yes, he texted Yoongi and asked him to meet him. I am pretty sure Yoongi is going to tell him he is wrong. I think you need to calm down and get some rest. Talk to him tomorrow and don't stress yourself out. You did nothing wrong, Jungkook is just Jungkook, a jealous idiot." He had a point.

"I don't want us fighting. I hate it." I confessed to Hoseok. I am always in a lousy place whenever we fight.

"I don't understand why aren't you both together. This thing you are both trying ain't working out. Like how would you feel if you went to surprise him and he had someone over his home? Jin he planned this weekend for you and him. Even had Yoongi and I involved to take Areum so he could spend some time with you. I kind of understand how he must feel, even though he acted with Jealous, but I sort of get it." gosh I sometimes hated how right Hoseok could be.

"I get it. You are right. I guess I am still insecure about somethings when it comes to Jungkook. I have a lot of fears like everything seems temporary to me. At any moment he could realize that he doesn't need me and then he will leave and I will be stuck with a broken heart. I don't want that Hoseok. I don't want to go through that storm again." I don't want to get my hopes up, and then he destroys it all over again.

"Jin I get it. I hear you too, but you can't expect anything good to come of this if you are operating with fear. You need to let go of fear and start genuinely loving the man you have loved your entire life. Jungkook loves you, I can see it. Yoongi knows it and if my husband knows and believe something, then you know.

You and Jungkook have been doing well, don't let one hiccup along your new walk together destroy what's meant to be beautiful. Rid yourself of the doubts and fears and start believing that you both are going to make things work. Yoongi and I argue all the time. He gets jealous, and so do I. It does not mean I don't love him or he doesn't love me. It happens especially with you two who have so much pent up frustration."

I couldn't help but laugh. Once again, he was right. "You are right, Hoseok. I guess I will talk to him tomorrow."

My doorbell started going off non-stop. "Hoseok let me call you back. Someone's at the door." I tell him before hanging up.


Jungkook was standing in front of my door, looking at me. His eyes gaze up, and my body. It was then I realize I was standing in front of him with only my robe on. I pulled it closer onto my body and tied the string.

"What are you doing here?"

"I am sorry for how I acted earlier. I was an idiot, and I was jealous." He walked into my house and closed the door.

"You were a jerk Jungkook."

"I know babe, and I am sorry. I don't know what got into me. Are you mad at me?" He walks over to me and rests his forehead onto mines. I could smell the alcohol on him.

"Are you drunk? And yes, I am mad at you."

"No, I am not. I only had two drinks. I am sorry for making you mad at me. Let me make it up to you." His voice is soft, and I feel his hand tugging at the string on my robe.

"How?" I whispered, meeting his entrancing stare.

"Come, let me show you." he pulled the string of my robe and lead us towards my bedroom. From the moment I saw the way he looked at me when I open the door, I knew where this was going. Maybe I should be stronger and stop him before it goes any further, but then again I don't want to. Whatever he wanted, I wanted it ten times more.

The light in my room was out. The only light that reflected in was the light that shined in from outside. I turned towards my bedside table and turned on the lamp that was over my bed. I wanted to see him clearly.

I turned back around to face him and boldly move my hand to his chest. Finding the buttons on his shirt and began undoing them. My eyes fixed on his.

I felt his hand tugged at the string of my robe until it came loose and fell open. His eyes still on mine.

"Jin," he calls my name


"Are you sure? I don't think once we-" I leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips, shutting him up. "I am sure," I whispered while pulling away and sliding his shirt down his armed.

His well-defined muscles were even more striking than I had remembered them being. I rubbed my hand down his shoulders and to his arms, feeling the firmness of his built. Gaping at him in lust as his tongue licked his lips, making them deliciously wet. A tingly feeling passes through my stomach. I couldn't wait for our lips to connect. I was filled with desire and an aching need for him to touched me in various places.

He slides the robe off my body and looked me up and down. His eyes mirroring my lustful gaze as he stepped out his pants. We were now both naked craving each other's touch.

His hand slides around my waist and pulls my body close to his. His member poking me, making me want to touch him and feel him elsewhere. Both his hand slid down my bottom and grabbed my cheeks, giving them a soft and firm squeeze. A soft moan escaped my lips.

Leaning his head down to my neck, his lips began leaving trails of kisses over my jawline, nipping every so often making me squirm in his arms. He kisses me all the way up to my earlobe, running his tongue over it and biting at it softly. One of his hand reached up and began playing with my nipple, taking it between his finger and rubbing it. His other hand slid between my cheeks and started circling at my entrance. I throw my head back and moan out in pleasure as he teased me with his mouth and fingers.

He released my nipple and pulls my head forward. His lips merging with mine, sucking and softly biting on my bottom lip.

He deepens our kiss, pressing his mouth harder against mine. My hand grips into his hair and pulls him closer to me. My tongue slides into his mouth, tangling with his own as we moaned and groaned between kisses.

Pulling away from me, his mouth found my neck, kissing and sucking all over it. I knew based on the sensitivity of my skin, I would have bruised the next morning, but I didn't care.

While he sucks on my neck, I lower my hand to his member and begin stroking it. He pulled his mouth off my neck and smile. "Do you want to taste?" he asks with a smirk.

I don't even respond, but slide down to my knees, taking his member fully into my hands and began bathing it with my tongue. I take him into my mouth working my way down his thick and hard member, my lips and tongue sucking and twirling all around him. "oooh, yeah, just like that babe," Jungkook moaned out as I continued sucking him off.

I moved my head lower onto him, deepthroating him as much as I could before pull back and sucking on the head. I repeated this several times while enjoying his cries of pleasure and moans in my ears. I knew he was enjoying it. I used my hand to work the half of him I couldn't fit into my mouth, pumping him hard while my mouth did the rest of the work, sucking and twirling around his length.

He gripped into my hair and held my head firmly onto his member, pushing me lower to take in more of him as he filled me with his delicious and thick cum. He twitched into my mouth, and I sucked and swallowed every drop that shot into my mouth. He groaned out and gripped into my hair tighter than before and started thrusting into my mouth. My hand releases his cock and grips into the back of his thighs to keep myself in place until he had his fix with my mouth and pulled out.

"Damn babe, that was amazing." He breathed out and pulled me up towards him.

I couldn't wait for what was to come. My body wanted all of him.


A/N: I am gone! 

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