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Now a chapter that matters 😩😩
Jin's Pov:

"Appa, do you think we could go say hello to the neighbors? They are really nice people." Areum said, lifting her head off my chest, rubbing her eyes. Wasn't she just crying?

"Areum baby. Appa is tired. Maybe another day we can go greet them. You need to shower and get ready for bed." I told her as I placed her on the grown to stand.

ring ring

"Appa, I think its Uncle Tae Tae! He's bringing me ice cream." Areum said as she took off to the door. I swear if Taehyung brings this little girl ice cream, I am going to kill him.

"Oh, hi Mister, how are you?" Areum says as she opens the door. I immediately turn my head in her direction, who was she talking to? That was not Taehyung.

"Hi little one, I wanted to stop by to introduce myself to your parents." I froze. I knew that voice. I didn't have to see his face, to know that voice. Yet, still I was praying no fucking way could it be Jeon Jungkook at my front door.

"Appa! My friend is here to say hi." Areum opens the door wide, and Jungkook and I eyes met. Every memory I ever had with him came flashing back to me in an instant. The pain I had buried within resurfaced as I stared into the eyes of the person I wished to not see ever again.

I had practiced for this moment so many times, but now he had appeared in front of me. I was frozen. I was back to being an eighteen years old again.

"Seokjin?" Jungkook called out my name, pulling me back to reality.

"You know my Appa?" Areum said, looking up at Jungkook.

"Areum sweetie come here!" I walked over to Areum. I need to get her away from Jungkook. He cannot know.

"Okay. Mister, you can come in, my appa said to come here." Areum said, and Jungkook took the opportunity step into my home. "No, I never said that. Jungkook, please stay where you are." I said to him, unable to look at him as my voice was shaky.

"Why so rude Jin?" Is he serious right now?

"Don't say that! My appa is not rude. He is the best in the whole wide world." Areum said, smiling at me. My heart melted, my precious angel.

"Really now; and how old are you sweetheart?" Jungkook said with a raised eyebrow as he eyed me suspiciously before I could tell Areum not to answer that she did. "I am three!" Areum held up three fingers.

"Jungkook, you need to leave," I said sternly to him.

"Actually Jin, I think I need to stay. It seems you, and I have a whole lot to discuss, and I am not leaving until we do. Areum looks a lot like her father I must say, what do you think?" I wanted to smack the smirk off of his face, but at the same time, I wanted a hole to open up and drop me right into it.

"You know my father?" Areum looks between Jungkook and me with. Curiosity in her eyes.

"Areum, please go to your room. Go wipe up. Appa will come to you shortly. Watch tv and put the volume up. Appa needs to have a private talk with the neighbor, okay?" I instructed her and gave a firm stare, which made her know what I said was not up for negotiation.

"Okay, Appa." She said, hanging her low and made her way to her room. Once out of sight, I glared at Jungkook, "What do you want?" He closes my door and walks closer to me, "What do I want? Well for starters Jin, whose little girl is that?"

"Mine. She is mine!" I said with no hesitation. Although I wasn't sure how I responded so quickly with my knees and stomach feeling the way it did.

"Well, of course, she is. Let me rephrase that, who is her father? Or who is her sperm donor should I rather say? She said, that's what you call her "other" dad." He knew it was obvious he knew. Areum looked like him. Kai looked like me, but Areum was his child, it didn't take a genius to see the resemblance.

"Jin, I asked a question."

"I am sorry, but who do you think you are and what gives you the right to ask a question as such?"

"Who do I think I am? Well for one, it's obvious from your expression and reluctance to answer my question that little girl is my kid. A kid who I had no idea about until now. How could you keep her away from me? Don't you think that's selfish?" Those words, those words stirred up something in me so strong. He didn't just go there. "JEON JUNGKOOK GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE," I yelled point towards the door.

He clasps his hands together and moves towards the door, "Fine. I guess I will see you in court. You will regret keeping my child hidden." was the last thing he said before opening my door and slamming it shut.

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