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Jin's Pov:

"Appa why can't I go outside?" Areum continues to whines. It's all she has been doing all morning, and it's annoying me. I don't know how to tell her it's because I don't want her to see that so-called father of hers.

"Areum sweetie, I will take you outside later. If you listen, we can go see a movie too." Taehyung said to her while hugging her. I was so thankful he stopped by this morning. I need someone to listen to me on a day like today. Namjoon's advice left me in shambles.

"Okay, dad."

"Areum, it's Uncle Taehyung. You cannot keep calling Taehyung dad. You are not young anymore; it's time you start calling people accordingly." Why she does this is beyond me. I get it Taehyung has been around her forever, but she knows better.

"I am sorry, Appa. Sorry, Uncle Tae Tae." She said with a pout; I knew she was sensitive and probably was going to cry.

Taehyung leans down and places a kiss on her forehead, "It's okay baby girl. Tae Tae understands, but Appa doesn't want you to call me that, okay? Go to your room; I have to talk to Appa. We will go out later."

Areum smiled at him, "Okay d-, Uncle Tae Tae." she looked at me and rolled her eyes before running off to her room.

"Jin, you can't take your frustration out on her. You know she doesn't mean anything by it. I don't mind her calling me dad. She probably sees all the other kids around her having two parents, and it bothers her. I get your point so I won't argue you down with it, but you are not in a stable position right now, and it's not right to take it out on her. She's still young." It was my time to roll my eyes at Taehyung, he was right, but I was too pissed off.

"Four years! Four years I have lived my life with the pain of what he did. Tried my hardest to move forward every day. Buried a child and he shows up out of nowhere and is now threatening to take my child away from me. He was selfish back then, and he's selfish now too. Hasn't he cause me enough pain in my life already? Namjoon seems to fucking think he has a chance of gaining some form of custody, visitation rights at a minimum. Taehyung, I raised her! I carried those kids for nine full months. I sacrificed my life for her and her brother, and he wants to come and make a statement like that.

He doesn't even know how she eats, sleep, none of her allergies; he knows nothing. He doesn't even fucking know he has not one, but two fucking kids! One who was buried, one who didn't have a fair chance at life and now he wants to "see me in court." Have I not suffered enough by him already? Tell me, Tae, please tell me, am I wrong here? Was I ever wrong here? Yeah, I might have been a giddy idiotic teenager, but I evolved. I took my lessons and pains, and I was forced to grow up for those kids. I could have aborted them, but I didn't. Why am I being faced with this now? I am so tired, Tae, I am so tired. I can't even cry anymore. I think I have gotten immune to pain at this point in time." This is just unheard of.

"Jin, I am sorry. Sorry, you are going through this. Jungkook seems to keep amazing me more and more. It's like when you think you know someone, you just really don't. I never expected him to turn out like this. I haven't communicated with him since he left Korea. After what he did to you, I couldn't. I told you that. Do you think he will take you to court?" I glared at him.

"This is the same fucking selfish prick who took my virginity and left me nothing but a fucking note. What do you think? In my eyes, he is capable of anything."

"Jin, baby, calm down. I didn't mean it as a real question. I am just in shock, that's all. I know you are angry, but Areum is right down the hall in the room. You can't have her hearing you like this. We will figure out a way; Jungkook can't take her from you. Maybe as that Namjoon guy said, he can get parental rights, but not full custody. Although If he should take you to court, I would rather recommend lawyers I know. I don't want Namjoon doing a case for you and think there's a benefit for him later on." He said, stroking his hand against my back.

"I don't think you or Namjoon understands. I don't want to share custody of my daughter with anyone! Definitely not that shit head. I don't need you recommending any lawyers for me. Whether Jungkook takes me to court or not, and Namjoon ends up representing me, it does not mean I am going to fuck him for winning a case. I told you years ago I am done with dating, I am done with relationships. I don't want anyone. Just my kids. I already lost one. I only got Areum; I don't have time to focus on a man."

'Jin, I never said you wanted to fuck him. Please calm down, and I am sorry. I know Namjoon likes you. He only became friends with you to date you. I am just saying my lawyers are available and free of charge. You don't have to go with Namjoon. You can get their advice as well. I have respected your stance on relationships, while I don't agree, I have kept my distance." He said with a deep sigh.

"Well, I think I will stick with Namjoon being on my case if I end up having one. At least he has a motive to make it a win. Please respect this decision as well."

"Okay. I swear I hate arguing with you. I feel like we are old married couples." He said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his embrace.

"Well we are not, and I hate arguing with you too." Taehyung was one of my biggest supporters, although I couldn't allow myself to see him the way he saw me. I think he just took pity on me.

"I know we aren't as I have to suffer because of one idiot's mistakes. I guess the good does suffer for the bad." He said and rested his face in the crook of my neck.

I couldn't respond. jungkook leaving me has made me very bitter. I live with a lot of "what ifs" and regrets at the same time. I stayed years just waiting for him to come back and tell me he is sorry, he didn't mean it. Even after I had my kids, I was hoping, praying he would show up. Nights when the babies were crying, and I didn't know what to do, I wish he were there to help me with them.

What Jungkook had put me through and is now putting me through, I could not allow someone else to do that to me. Just seeing him made me weak. Seeing him brought back so many memories. He was my first and only loved. As shitty as it may be, it's the only love I knew besides my parents' love. He made me feel needed and wanted at a time when I needed it the most. He was my everything, but to him, I was yesterday's trash. He never really care about me. No matter how much I tried convincing myself otherwise, it showed. The way he walked in here showed. He never cared.

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