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Jin's Pov:

"Where is he? I am going to kill him, and how dare he ignores me. I am his mother for Pete sake." An older woman yells as she passes Areum and me at our front door. It was the weekend for Jungkook to have Areum and he asked me to drop her over my his loft. I was irritated with him. Like he was right next door, he could come across and get his daughter. I swear if it weren't for the fact that Areum was asking for him every second, I would not have agreed.

I was shocked to see how quickly she had warmed up to him. She claims they have a lot of fun together and he teaches her new things. She was learning to draw, said her father was good at drawing and he had a lot of artwork around his home. Every time she spoke about him, a piece of me broke. Her having the time of her life did something to me. It's not that I didn't want her to, it's that I feared he would do something to mess up and then I would have to pick up the pieces. I don't want my daughter ever to have to endure what I endured.

Areum pulls on my hand and tugs me towards her father's loft. As I allow myself to be tug by my baby girl, I notice the woman who passed our door yelling was standing in front of Jungkook's door, pounding it down. "Open the damn door Jungkook. Your father told me what you did!" She yells and continues pounding at his door. I tried pulling Areum back, but she wriggled her hand out of my own and took off, "Why are you yelling at my dad's door. That's not nice." Areum looked up at the woman and yelled. The woman who based on features and what she was saying looked to be Jungkook's mom.

"Areum sweetie, get back over here." The woman looked down at Areum, "Your dad lives in there?"

"Yes, he does. Why are you yelling at his door-" Areum stop talking as Jungkook yanks the door open. He looks up at his mother and then down at Areum, then across at me in shock. "Mom......Areum......Jin"

"Areum baby, come let's go. Your dad is busy; he will come to get you later." I go to take her hand, but Jungkook's mother holds her hand to stop me, "Are you her Appa?" she asks, looking me up and down with a smile on her face. I look back at her weirdly, what did she care.

"He is. Mom, please come in, let's not do this out here. Areum sweetie come inside. Jin it's okay I will keep her, and I will come to see you later." Jungkook says as he takes Areum into his arms. I look at him and his mother warily. I don't feel right leaving my daughter knowing his mother was just yelling in front of his door. What the heck did he even mean by he'd come to see me later? I don't want him over by me.

"I want him to come too." Jungkook's mother says, turning to look at me. "I'm sorry, I know we haven't met before. But what I am here to see my son about actually involves you and my granddaughter. My apologies for behaving like that earlier. I am just really upset with my son right now; by the way, I am Mrs. Jeon." She said, smiling at me.

"I'm sorry, but I think I should go," I said, declining her invitation. No way was I going to allow her and her son to gang up on me.

She holds onto my arm, "Please. I know you don't know me, but I am only trying to understand something here. I assure you I am not here with any ill intentions. If it makes you feel any better, please note that I do not condone my son's behavior." she looked into my eyes almost pleadingly

I look over at Jungkook who was just standing there biting into his lip with Areum in his arms.


I hesitantly follow her into Jungkook's home. Jungkook had walked in before us; he was standing with Areum in his arms by the entryway of his house. He plants a kiss on her cheek, "Did you miss me, baby? I miss you so much!" he says to her.

"I miss you a whole lot, daddy. I dream I would see you too." She responded to him, which brought a slight pain to my heart.

"Jungkook, we need to talk." His mother says sternly. "You know why I am here." she continues.

"I know mom. Dad sure does keep his word. Let me settle Areum down into her room and then we will go talk in private." He said to his mother and turned away with my daughter.

"Let's go have a seat." She said, walking off, "How old is Areum?" she questions as I follow her into Jungkook's family room.

"She is three, almost four," I told her. From the sound of things, it seems as though Jungkook

She lets out a deep sigh, "wow, interesting. My son is a real asshole, isn't he?"

"I'm sorry what?" I looked at her in shock.

Before she got a chance to comment, Jungkook walked into the room and plop down on the sofa next to me. I shifted as he was too close to me.

"Mom, I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Jungkook's Pov:

What the hell! I thought as I left Areum in her room and put on the t.v. for her. Why did my mother have to come here? I mean, I know I ignored her calls, but I was going to visit her on Monday and of all the days she could've shown up, she showed up today.

She even invited Jin into my home. I know my mom was here on serious business if she did that. Gosh, I have to fix this before she does. My dad can be harsh, but I have never feared him as much as I feared my mother. With that in mind, I came up with a plan; I would face the consequences afterward. I know after today, I would have a lot of apologies and making up to do. One that I genuinely needed to do anyway. I had been doing a lot of self-reflecting since meeting with my dad. He didn't exactly make things easy for me.

"Mom, I wasn't expecting to see you here," I said I walked into the family room, joining her and Jin. I deliberately sat next to Jin, but he shifted from beside me, which didn't surprise me.

"You weren't expecting to see me? You have been ignoring my call and messages. You think your father didn't tell me what you did to this young man. What is wrong with your Jungkook? We did not raise you like that, and how dare you hide my grandchild away from me." She screams after me.

Jin's eyes widen in shock as he looks from me to her. Might as well hand him a bag of popcorn.

"Mom, please, can we talk in private?" I look at her, begging her with my eyes.

'No, I want this young man to know I am not in agreement with what you did."

Jin was sitting silently, not saying a word. I pull closer to him, he tries to shift, but due to the handle of the couch, he couldn't move anymore. "Mom, you don't get it. Jin and I are trying to work things out for Areum's sake, and I don't want to ruin things now by discussing this before him and while Areum is in the other room."

"what?" Both Jin and my mom said in unison. I place my hand on Jin's thigh, "Yes, that's why Jimin and I are getting a divorce. I know what I did was wrong mom, and I am trying to fix it. Jin and I are trying to work out our differences."

"Like Hel-" I quickly cut him off, "Babe, let me talk to her."

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