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Jin's Pov:

Hoseok and I had woke up quite early today. He had to help out his uncle, so unfortunately for me, he couldn't spend the day with me. I was a tad bit disappointed but excited at the same time as I was hoping Jungkook would allow me over his house.

Although based on his message last night, I wasn't sure where we stood. He had only written me back a "goodnight" I don't know what that means. Was he trying to get me to shut up? Or was that his way of being cute? Just a good night though, like couldn't he add a nickname to it, like "goodnight my Jinnie Pooh" that wouldn't have been confusing. I'd feel a lot better right now.

"Alright Jin, I'm gonna go," Hoseok said coming to give me to a hug. I return his embrace, but then he squeezes both my ass cheeks make me yelp. As if that wasn't enough, he peppered my neck with kisses.

"Hoseok, please go." I pushed him from in front of me. He only chucked.

"You are letting Jungkook ruin what could be great between us." He shook his head as he heads towards the door.

"Whatever, think what you want." I follow him towards the door, "see you later Hobi. I'll miss you." I blew him a kiss and locked the door once he was out.

As soon as I'm making my way toward the stairs, I hear the doorbell. I hurry back over and yanks it open, "what did yo-" I was stopped short in my tracks as I realize it wasn't Hoseok, but Jungkook with a very displeased expression on his face.

"Jungkook!" I chirped in shocked.

"What was he doing here?" Jungkook said, walking into my home and closing the door behind him.

Great, come on right in. No invitation needed.

"He was visiting. How are you this morning? I missed you." I smiled at him, trying to divert from his question.

"Visiting this early?" He eyes me suspiciously

", he umm spent the night here. We had a sleepover." Yeah, that's it. That's all that it was.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah." This is awkward.

"So, what exactly happened at this "sleepover" ?" He inquired

"Well, not much. We just slept, and then he left. That's about it." It was the truth.

"So, you are telling me nothing happened between you two?" It was clear he didn't believe me.

"Unfortunately no. Jeon Jungkook doesn't share statement, kept popping up into my mind." He smirked.

"Good, I'm happy to hear that. I hope you keep that in mind at all times. Although I'd prefer if these "sleepovers" weren't taking place." I am confused, are we dating? I want to hear him say him.

"Why not?"

"I thought you liked me?" Well, duh! The entire community knows that.

"I do, but I don't know if you like me. You give me mix signals. Yesterday was so weird, and I don't even know where we stand right now or what happened. I'm so confused." He walks closer to me and brushes away the hair from my face, "Seokjin, I like you. I shouldn't, but I do. Although I don't think I'm good for you. I might end up hurting you. You are young."

I immediately placed my finger on his lips and stopped him, "don't say I'm young. I'm big enough to know what I want. I don't think you are good for me, and I know you are perfect for me. I think you are afraid, but I don't think you will hurt me." I don't know why he'd think he's not good for me. He is everything I want.

He laughs and shakes his head, "the beauty of being young. I'm not the guy you have painted me to be in your head. Chances are if you date me, you'll end up hurt. I don't want that to happen to you. I have a lot of things dealing with in my life Seokjin. Things you might not be able to understand or keep your emotions in check to deal with." Why is he trying to warn me off? Ugh!

"Stop saying stuff like that. Just give us a chance! I know I'm young, but I think I'm mature enough to understand somethings. I really really like you Jungkook more than you'll know. I know I like you more than I do, it might not work between us, but I want a chance with you. Please!"  He's my everything. Why can't he see that?

"Seokjin, if I give us a chance, you can't be angry at me in the future."

"I won't be. I promise." I looked at him, hopeful.

He sighs deeply, "Okay. Let's date."

I jumped into his arms completely ecstatic. I couldn't believe the moment I dreamt of was becoming my reality. Jeon Jungkook my neighbor, my man crush and I were together!
I wish I knew what I was getting myself into. He was right, I was too young and most of all I was naive. I should've known the difference between dating and a relationship. I didn't. I had no business chasing after Jeon Jungkook. The things you learn as you get older, I wish, I had seen them before and wasn't an eager beaver at the time.

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