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Jungkook's Pov:

"Where were you?" Jimin yelled as soon as I walked into the apartment. I ignored him and walked towards our bedroom. I could hear him trailing behind me.

"Jungkook, why aren't you answering me? I got an appointment with the doctor too to check on why you can't give me any kids." He continues to yell.

I turned around immediately, causing him to stop right in his tracks almost bumping into me, "There is nothing wrong with me! I don't have any damn fertility issues. For years you made me believe this shit when it's all you! You are the one who aborted that fuckers kid. Be honest with Jimin, when you called me back before I moved to the U.S. were you pregnant?" His eyes widen at my words. It was something we didn't discuss. He knew I slept with Jin, and I knew he had an affair the summer before which led him to get pregnant. I took him back after he pleaded with me and told me he got an abortion. However, during the time I was dating Jin, I told him we should end things officially. But then he told me he was pregnant and the baby was ours this time around, I believed him. He lied.

"You are the issue here. Not I! You can't conceive, can you? You aborted too many babies, didn't you?" I questioned, but he only held his head down tears falling. "I knew it! So stop fucking whining day and night about having a damn kid. Stop forcing yourself onto me. I am sick of you, sick of your family, sick of my own fucking family. You all disgust me!" I can't fucking believe I have a fucking kid! I'm so close to losing it.

Jimin walks towards me and tries to touch me, "Jungkook baby. I told you I was sorry. You were with that kid. He didn't deserve you. You had no idea what you wanted. It wasn't going to work anyway. Telling you, I was pregnant was the only way to get you back. You wouldn't have come; you were too caught up with him. I saved you from that misery of falling for a child who knew nothing about emotions. I allowed you to have a fling with him because I had messed up. I wasn't going to let you fall for him.

Now, don't say things you'll regret. How do you even know it's me who is infertile. We have never even been tested. I got pregnant before Jungkook, which means I can get pregnant again. I might have lied to you about being pregnant for you, but I did get pregnant for him. And as much as it hurt me at the time, I abort the baby for you, for us. I made sacrifices to Jungkook. For this to work, so we can be together." He held onto my hands, but I flashed him off and pushed him away from me.

"I fucking hate you, and I won't regret saying that. I hate everything about this damn name! Because of all of you I've missed out on the best fucking thing that could've ever happened to me. My little girl is three Jimin, fucking three years old! Guess what she doesn't even know I exist. Do you know what she knows me as? A sperm donor! Can you believe that I'm a nothing but a sperm donor to my daughter! I hate you; I hate you, I hate you so much. You lied to me. You knew you weren't pregnant for me back then, but you lied. You were insecure, and you lied. What the fuck do you know about sacrifices? You are a selfish bitch is what you are. I sacrificed the one I loved, for a liar like you.

Well guess what you wanted me and now you got me! Now you are going to be a good husband and help me get fucking legal custody of my child, and you aren't going to say one shit about it. You wanted a kid by me? Well, guess what you now got one. Oh, and if you are confused about who the father is, it's the fucking kid you took me from four years ago." He might be my husband, but I've never wanted to kill someone the way I wanted to kill him right now.

"You were going to leave him anyway, Jungkook! You had to go to the U.S. your father wouldn't allow you with such baggage."

I glared at him, "you are wrong! In the beginning yes, I was going to leave, but then I fucking fell for him, until your lying ass called me with your fucking lies. Father would've accepted him once he found out about your whoring tendencies. I will make you regret this for the rest of your life. Now go find me the best lawyer and stay your ass in the guest room."

Seokjin hates me, I can't blame him nor will I ask for his forgiveness. I'm probably a monster to him. I guess I'll continue playing that role then. All I know I need to be apart of my daughters' life. I will not be perceived as a sperm donor to her.

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