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Seokjin's Pov:

"I think I should go," Namjoon said, getting up from the table.

"Good idea. At least you are not slow." Jungkook said while still staring daggers at me.

"Namjoon, I am so sorry." I quickly apologized on Jungkook's behalf. I could not manage for them to start arguing.

"It's fine, Jin. I will call you later when you don't have an interruption." He smiled at me and walked out of the kitchen.

Jungkook shakes his head, "What did he just say?" he asks, walking towards Namjoon, but I put my hand out to stop him. "Jungkook, please. Let's talk."

"Why was he here Jin?"

"He is my guest Jungkook in my home is there a problem with me having him over?"

"He likes you. That is more than enough reason for him not to be here."

"Okay, I don't feel the same about him. He is my friend."

"Friend? You are fucking with me, right. Is this why you don't accept being my boyfriend because you have him around?"

"Are you serious Jungkook? Namjoon is my friend nothing else." What did he think this is?

"You call this nothing else? You cooked for him Jin. Since you and I started dating how many times have you cooked for me?"

I didn't respond. I could understand his point there.

"Not once Jin! Not once have you cooked for me. Before I left for my trip, I even asked you, and what did you say?" he started raising his voice.

"I was tired." It was true who ask someone to cook for them at ten at night. Seriously.

"Exactly! Weren't you tired today to cook for him?"

"Jungkook it's really not that serious. He is my friend."

"It's not serious to you Jin, but it's serious to me. Tell me something have you ever slept with him?"

Woah. Where was this coming from?

"Are you kidding me, Jungkook! Don't be ridiculous. You are taking this far more than what it really is."

"Fine. I am being ridiculous then. How about Taehyung? What about him? Have you ever slept with him?"

I felt like I was going to have instant diarrhea with his question. My stomach was feeling nervous, and I was afraid to answer his question. Although I know we weren't together during the times I have slept with Taehyung I couldn't look him in the eyes. I don't think he would understand.

"I guess that answer my question. Have a goodnight Jin." He pushed passed me and walked off the house. I was too much in a state of shock to follow after him.


Jungkook's Pov:

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I pound my hand on the steering wheeling as I pulled out of the garage. I had to get out of there, or I would either end up doing something or saying something I might end up regretting. Something I might now even be able to take back.

I had such a fucking good night planned for Jin and me, but this is what I come home to. Him cooking for another man the moment I go away. I guess this is what I get for trying to surprise him. Well, look who got a surprise.

"Can you meet me at Chole's bar. It's urgent." I sent a text to someone I needed desperately to talk to right now before I ended up doing something I might regret.

It didn't take long for him to respond that he would be there. I was thankful; I needed to talk to someone who was way more level headed than I was.

I can't fucking believe Seokjin slept with Taehyung. "fuck!" I screamed to myself. Jin couldn't even answer me. I swear I expected him to tell me, no, but instead, all I saw was guilt on his face.

I would've so much rather he say he had slept with Namjoon at least I don't know him that well, but Taehyung!

I really need to talk to someone right now. I pressed on the gas and sped my way downtown on the highway.


As soon as Jungkook got to the club, he asked for a shot of whiskey. He needed something strong to clear his mind. Tonight had completely gone different than how he had intended it to go.

He noticed Jin calling him, but immediately send the call to voicemail. He couldn't talk to him right now. He needed some time to clear his mind.

He knew maybe he had no business getting mad, but he couldn't help himself from feeling jealous and insecure.

Drowning down another shot of whiskey, he looks at his phone and wonders how long he would have to wait before his new confidant got there.

"Well, don't you look like shit. I guess single life has been nothing but a bitch to you." Jimin says as he sits down next to Jungkook.


A/N: Short chapter was very much intended. 

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