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Jungkook's Pov:

My Jinnie:
I know you didn't mean anything that you said earlier. it's okay, I forgive you. I hope you only think good things of me tonight and I will do the same.💜😘😘💜

I looked at the message that came in on my phone and smiled. He was just too cute. I still can't believe I allowed what transpired tonight to happen. Ever since I have moved next door, I had been resisting the attraction that came with Jin. However, it wasn't easy; he did everything he possibly could to tempt me. I did stay away though as he was underage and I would not do something that would ultimately land me in jail. I had a reputation to upkeep eventually.

However, when he texted me earlier and reminded me he was eighteen, I felt so stupid because not only had I missed his birthday, but he wasn't a kid anymore, he was now a legal adult. Knowing this was not a good thing; it means my restraints would loosen, there was almost nothing in place to stop me from doing the things I wanted to do to him.

The way he practically begged me to take him earlier, he had no idea how much I wanted to take him up on that offer, but I couldn't do that. It wouldn't be fair to him. Not when I would be leaving in six months. I know he would regret it if he slept with me and then I turned around and left. It's not like I have a choice in staying here in Busan. My father was getting more ill, and it's my duty as his heir to take over the company which had its headquarters in the U.S. It's the plan that he wanted to move the headquarters to Seoul. Therefore, I had to go and live in the U.S. for at least four years to migrate everything here. We weren't closing the U.S. office but changing the location of the headquarters and opening a few other offices around the world. I was going to be too busy even to uphold a relationship with Jin and also it wouldn't work. He was merely starting his journey in life.

Jin is in high school, he would be graduating soon, but he had to go to college afterward. Not to mention what he felt for me right now was nothing but lust. He is a teenager who was figuring out his emotions, and he wasn't entirely sure about his feelings for me. He was having fun. He likes me because I look good. I can see how he would be attracted to me. As annoying as he was, he was extremely smart and mature for his age, although I often tell him otherwise.

He doesn't party or causes chaos like a lot of other teens I know. Hoseok and Yoongi are his only two friends, and as much as I disliked the things they had him indulging in, I was happy he had them. He is going to need them around once I leave. I had promised myself I would make the next six months the best six months of his life. I tried convincing myself that it was the least I could do and that I would not sleep with him. I will do everything else but that. I can't have him hate me. I am sure when he finds out I am leaving, he will hate me enough already. I don't want to add me taking his virginity on the list of things he would hate me for.

I had tried ignoring him with hopes he would give up on me, but he didn't. Me ignoring him caused him to work harder. I found it really adorable and cute. I wish things were different where he was my age or even I was his age, what a beautiful love story we would have had.

Go to bed 😘

Third Person Pov:
If only Jungkook was able to predict the future, he would've not entertained Jin, but rather bury his feelings and leave for the U.S. It was the right thing to do, but he didn't do it. He thought he was doing Jin a favor, but what he didn't understand was he was doing more harm than good.

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