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Jungkook's Pov:

"Dad, are you crying," Areum said as I placed her down in my living room.

"No princess, daddy just have awful allergies," I told her as I wiped away my eyes. She walked over to me and hugged me, "You don't have to lie to me, daddy. Appa cries too. I give him hugs like this." She said and wrapped her arms around me. "When Kai was sick, Appa cried a lot. Now Kai is our guardian angel, Appa smiles a lot more. That's what he told me. Are you crying because of Kai too, Dad?" She said, looking at me and wiping my tears away.

I looked at her in shock, how old was this little girl again. "Why are you so nice to me?" was all I could ask. How did I lose out on all of this? "Appa said I should always be nice to others. He said I shouldn't let others hurt alone. Is Appa right, Daddy?" She said as her doe eyes stared into mines.

I run my hand through her hair, "your appa is so right, princess. So right." I positioned her correctly on my leg to sit, "Areum, can I ask you something?" she nods her head. "Tell me about Kai. How was he?" I asked her as my chest tightens.

She smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen since meeting her, "Kai was funny, but sick a lot. I always got to play, but Kai couldn't always play with me. I think appa favored him, but appa said it was because Kai was sick and needed him the most. Kai thought me how to tie my shoelaces too. I miss him, dad. I wish you met Kai. Why didn't you meet him? You didn't like him? Do you like me more? Is that why you came to meet me?" My heart ripped from my chest at her questions. I couldn't even answer her questions. She was so innocent as she stared back at me. All I saw was curiosity and innocence.

"Baby, daddy messed up. He messed up big time. That's why he didn't get to meet Kai. I am a failure Areum." All because of pride and selfishness, I had missed out on the chance of a family. Who knows maybe if I was around, Kai could have still been alive.

Areum cups my cheek, "What you mean by mess up, dad? Don't call yourself bad words. Appa said only call yourself good things."

I smiled at her, "Your appa is a brilliant man princess. Way smarter than I remembered. Daddy has somethings he needs to fix princess. However, I don't think it's possible. I hurt your appa a lot." There is no way I can apologize to Seokjin. He would probably see me as a joke. I had really used him.

He was young, and I took advantage of him. "You hurt my appa? Why would you do that? That's not nice. When uncle Yoon Yoon hurt my appa, he says sorry, did you tell appa sorry?" I chuckled at her cuteness. "Uncle Yoon Yoon hurt appa?" I asked her, curious.

She shakes her head, "Yes, he forgot to pick me up one day, and appa wasn't happy about it, but he said sorry to my appa and appa forgive him. Maybe if you say sorry appa will forgive you too."

"I wish it was that simple princess."

"Why is it not simple? What does simple mean?" I ruffled her hair, "Let's get you something to eat. Your appa will be mad if I have you here and don't feed you." I lost a son I knew nothing about. I need to do all I can to make sure I get to know this daughter of mines. I don't care if Jimin accepts her or not.

I had been stupid once, I won't allow pride to take me any further down the path of destruction. If he doesn't want to accept her, he can leave. A divorce would be better for us anyway.

"I want McDonald's. Uncle Yoon Yoon gives me McDonald's all the time." She said as she slides off my legs and twirls around.

"Is that so, how about appa, does appa let you have McDonald's all the time?" She turned to face me, her face turning into a frown, "Appa doesn't like me having McDonald's. You like me having McDonald's right?" She said with a smile as she takes my hand and swings it back and forth.

I laughed at her cuteness. I really couldn't believe this cute and intelligent little girl was mine. One who I missed out on for three years. I really wish I could've met Kai. I wondered who he looked like. I looked down on the little girl who was looking at me hopefully, "Okay, just today, I will let you have McDonald's, okay."

"Yay!!! I won't tell appa. Uncle Yoon Yoon said I shouldn't tell him when he makes me have McDonald's. He said appa will spoil our fun." Yoongi was really teaching my child to lie.

"Let's not do that baby. Let's not keep secrets from appa, okay. Just tell appa daddy wanted to get you McDonald's it will be okay."

"But what happens if Appa gets mad?"

"Then daddy will talk with appa. Let's no worry about that now. Let's go get McDonald's. I love chicken nuggets, what do you like?"

"I like the toy," she said, and I burst out laughing. Of course, of course. 

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