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Jungkook's Pov:

The past few weeks have been a complete disaster. Jimin is doing nothing but causing trouble with my company. He has threatened to highlight the fact that I have a kid out of wedlock, which is such a damn lie. I am sure he is more pissed about the fact that he signed a prenup agreement when we got married. Therefore, there is nothing for him to gain. It was the one smart advice my dad gave me before I got married to Jimin. Although, I know he was only trying to save his name and his company.

I don't know why he would be upset anyway, it's not like he needed money from me. He had is own. His parents owned a plethora of hotel chains. He sent me a text telling me he was going to tell my father what I had done. If he thinks my father is going to get me to change my mind about my decision to divorce, he is making a sad mistake. Jimin and I aren't fit to be with each other.

"So what brings you here, son? You don't come to visit me anymore. I see Jimin more than I see you these days." My father walks into his home office, where I had been sitting for the past hour. He handed me a cup of coffee, which I was sure I was going to need. I decided that instead of him hearing things from Jimin, it would be better if he hears it from me. I rather he hates me because of me, instead of something he hears from Jimin.

"Jimin and I are getting a divorced dad. I know it's not what you are expecting to here, but I can't do it anymore." Might as well just get out with it. It's my future, not his.

"Took you long enough. I can't stand that man." The coffee I held in my hand fell.

"Dad, what did you just say? You like Jimin." Am I missing something here?

"Son, I like Jimin as a person, more specifically when he was younger. I honestly thought he was the right fit for you. His parents are amazing people. They are our friends, more reason to why I wanted you guys to stick it out. However, I have come to learn he is very cunning. I didn't want to say anything to ruin you guys relationship. I thought you were happy with him, as well. Your mother is annoyed with him. He is around her all the time-sucking up to her, and it's annoying her to no end. He can't even give you a child, but that's both of you guys issue, not one I was trying to interfere in. Your mother, on the other hand, is annoyed by it."

I leaned back in the chair. I was sitting just totally baffled. This was nothing close to what I was expecting, especially not from my father. I always assumed my father was a big push on Jimin and me. The Park's are his friends. He valued their friendship. I even though he valued them way more than me.

"You look confused, son, what's up?"

"Dad, I am more in shock. I thought your whole life you wanted Jimin and me together. You love the Park family. They are your best friends. I didn't even know mom felt that way. No one said anything to me. I marry him because I thought he was who you both wanted me with him." I don't know how to feel about any of this.

"Jungkook as my son, you have always assumed. Your mother and I have been the best parents we can be to you, but somehow you always pushed us away. You assume things but never spoke with us to understand the truth. You think you alone in this world, ever since you were a teenager and I don't get why. As friends, we envisioned our kids together, it's cute, but it was never our expectation. When you said you were going to marry him, we were happy for you and him because we thought it was what you wanted, not what we wanted. We never said anything to you because we were allowing you to make your own decision." Tears were flowing where did I get this messed up idea that they wanted us together, that he would hate me if we were together.

My dad came and pulled me into his arms, "Why are you crying, son?" I am crying because I messed up my entire life.

"Dad, I messed up. I messed up my entire life all because I wasn't man enough and I assumed shit." My father pulled away and looked at me. "What are you talking about? Jimin? You can get a divorce, you have my support. I am sure the Parks will still be our friend."

"No Dad that's not it. I have a kid. No, I had two kid, but one died, so now I have one. I wasn't there for them, Dad. I messed up, and I just keep messing up."

"Jungkook what are you talking about? You don't have any kids."

"I do, I do. A little girl, Areum. She looks just like me, dad. Look." I pulled out my phone and showed him the picture of Areum I had taken last weekend when I brought her to the zoo.

My dad looked at the picture then back at me, "Jungkook who did you have this kid with? Is this why you and Jimin are getting a divorce?"

"My neighbor, he was the young guy that lived next door to me. This was before I moved to the U.S. to live with you four years ago. I found out about her this year. She's a twin, but her brother died. No, she is not the reason for Jimin's and I divorce. Jimin and I were long overdue for a divorce, she just added to it."

My dad was holding onto his chest, I think the news was too much for him. "So the dad kept both of them as a secret?"

"Not exactly. He and I had been dating before I went to the U.S. After sleeping with him, I left the next day and came to the U.S. I didn't know he was pregnant or would end up pregnant."

"So what you are saying is that you slept with this young man and came right to the U.S. Was he a one night stand? Wait, no you said you were dating. Then, were you not in contact with him afterward?"

"It was complicated dad. Jimin and I were on and off, and you wanted me here. I thought you wanted me to marry Jimin. So I left and never said anything to him. We had no communication until recently."

The look on my father's face was nothing but utter disgust.

"Jungkook you are joking with me, right? We did not raise you like that. YOU THOUGHT I WANTED YOU TO MARRY JIMIN? Is that the excuse you are going to use now?" He stood up from his seating, looking as if he wanted to kill me.

Here I thought my dad was going to be upset with me because of my plans to divorce Jimin, but shockingly things have gone an entirely different way than I had expected. 


A/N: So how are you guys enjoying this story? Just wanted to check in. I think we are at the half-way point, but still got a good amount of chapters to go. 

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