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Jungkook's Pov:

Areum and I had a perfect time at McDonald's and the park afterward, she is way more energetic than I would have imagined. We were back in my flat now, and I was preparing her for bed, although she was still talking and laughing. I wonder if I gave her too much juice.

"Daddy, what are we doing tomorrow? Do I get McDonald's again? can I get candy, uncle Yoon Yoon gives me lots and lots of candies when I sleepover his house. Do you have candy? Can I get some?" She continued jumping up and down on the bed I had gotten for her. Thankfully I had the movers install it, had I done it, I am sure it would've been broken by now.

I held onto her and pulled her into my arms, "Areum sweetie, no candy, I am sure your Appa would say no. I think your uncle gives you everything your Appa does not want you to have. Tomorrow, you and Daddy will go to the amusement park. Do you want to go on the rides?"

She nods her head, "Do I get to have cotton candy? Uncle Tae Tae always wins me a toy, will you win me a toy daddy?" I gave her a weak smile, "I will win you an even bigger toy. If you listen to me and go to sleep, maybe I will let you have cotton candy, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy. I will go to bed. Can you lay with me until I sleep?" she asked. I placed her on the bed and laid next to her as she wrapped her little arms around my neck and in no time fell asleep. I heard the front door open and knew it was Jimin. He was probably back, but I didn't want to move. It felt nice laying next to my daughter. I had missed out on so much in her life. I don't think Seokjin will ever forgive me for what I had done and honestly, I don't blame him. I am an asshole to him anyways. Forgiveness is not something I would be asking for especially knowing I don't deserve it.

However, I need to find out where my son is buried. I think I need to show him my face just once and let him know that Daddy is sorry. Maybe if I were around, he would still be alive. I don't really know. How much Seokjin must have struggled.

"Look at the happy duo. So you are now about this father life?" Jimin tone was sarcastic as he looked over at Areum and me. I pulled myself out of Areum's arms and got out of the bed. Making my way to where Jimin was, "Let's talk about this in our room." I said as I closed her bedroom door and dragged him with me.

"What is wrong with you?" I slammed our room door shut and turned to face him.

"What's wrong with me? Do you expect me to be okay with this? I can't have a child as your fucking husband, and you showed up with that little boy's child and want me to be okay with it? Why did you even fight for custody? I can't do this; I cannot share you with that child. I don't want you around him or her." He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Baby please give her back. I'll do an invitro; we can have our own kids. We don't need her. You've lived without them for years; you can do it again. They will be fine. Father is happy that you are with me. I will even try hard and have a son for you. He can be your heir. Your father will be happy. That little boy can never measure up to what we have. Please think straight baby. It's okay if you got sidetracked I'll forgive you, I am your husband."

I shoved Jimin, and he fell back onto the bed, "You are my husband? MY husband! And you want me to kick my daughter to the side because of your selfishness. I am asking you to share me with her, for you to even think like that makes me sick. You don't get to tell me what to do. I am no longer a fool for you. Father is only happy with you because he is unaware of your ways. A son? Did you know I had a son, and because of my stupidity I never even got to meet him, and now you want to tell me I should let my daughter go too? What kind of husband are you? You want me to think straight? Where is your fucking support?" I felt so angry at him that I wanted to choke the life out of him. How could he talk like this?

He got off the bed and stormed over to me, "What kind of support do you want from me? I did everything to keep your away from them, so what if that little boy died. He got pregnant to take you away from me...." I gripped him by his throat and slammed him against our room wall, "YOU KNEW SEOKJIN WAS PREGNANT? DID YOU KNOW?!" I screamed at him.

I release his throat as I saw how much he was struggling to breathe, and he dropped to the floor. "Jimin, did you know Seokjin was pregnant? Did you know my son died as well?" I asked him as I kneel to face him. "So what if I knew. You don't belong with them. You are my husband. Not his. It's not like you were good to him anyway. You didn't exactly make it hard for me to keep it a secret." he said with a smirk as he coughed

My hands tensed into a fist, I wanted to do so many things to him but decided against it. My daughter already saw me hit once; I couldn't become any more of a monster to her as I already was "Jimin, I want you out. We are getting a divorce; I fucking hate you."

"You going to leave me because of a kid? Are you fucking serious? A fucking kid?" I gripped him by his hair and slammed him against the wall, "Not just any fucking kid you stupid fuck, but my fucking kid. I suggest if you don't want me to kill you, you get the fuck out of here right now. We are done, and that's final. You are disgusting." I threw him against the door, and he cried in pain.

"I guess that little boy is finally getting what he wants. Fucking home wrecker, you are really kicking me out for them?" he says as he cried and walk towards the door.

I did not bother looking at him; the pain and anger I was feeling were too much. I couldn't believe Jimin knew all this time that Jin was pregnant and had my kids. I guess this was my payback. I slid to the floor and buried my face into my knees. I am the cause of all of this. As much as I wanted to condemn Jimin, it all began with me. How do I even fix this?

On second thought, why even fix it, I don't belong around Areum; she's too innocent for the likes of me. I am a sperm donor, a pathetic one at that.

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