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Jungkook's Pov:

I am already annoyed with this lawyer. He has been reviewing my damn case for over twenty minutes now, what was so difficult. "So I have a case or not? What am I even asking? I know I do, can you represent me? Or is this above your pay grade?" I don't have time for nonsense, so I need to know if Jimin got me the right person.

I have not seen Jin or my daughter since finding out I had a kid. I think he is hiding. I can't sit around and wait until he moves or run away with my child. He has already done enough hiding as it is.

"Sir. I am sorry. I just had to review the notes my paralegal left me regarding your case. Sir, I can assure you this case is not above my pay grade, one I know we can have a good outcome with. First, I would like to understand what exactly are you taking your ex to court for? Are you seeking full custody? Like what is your desired outcome?" He asked, fixing his glasses on his face.

"Well, I am not dumb. Unless I can prove neglect, abuse, or something of the sort. I can't get full custody of my daughter. I am sure with enough money I can get it to seem that way and just take my kid away, but I won't go there for now, unless needed. For now, I want parental rights. Parental rights were taken away from me without my knowledge. I want my child on holidays, weekends, I want visitation rights. I want everything I can have. Shared custody. I do not want Seokjin making any decisions regarding my kid without my knowledge. If he wants to move, I want to be aware of it. I need to be in agreement with it. Oh, and maybe I can get her every other week? Even down to the school, she goes to I want to be involved. Do you think I can sue as well for emotional distress? It's been tough for me these past few nights knowing I have a child who knows me as nothing but a sperm donor. She even called me that to my face, well, not exactly, but close to it." I can't let Seokjin get away with this and no way can he move from our building. He and Aranum need to be right where I can see them. It's time as her father I have a say in her life.

It already sounded like all Seokjin had around my daughter were a bunch of men. Can't believe he was still hanging out with those clowns from high school. I guess they really did stick around. Taehyung was the biggest shocker of them all, he knew about my daughter and never said anything to me. He stopped talking to me years ago, that ungrateful bastard. So much for friendships, I guess.

"Sir, I think we can get those finalize and approve with a judge. Although suing for emotional distress, I don't think so. You said you left your daughter's father and move to the U.S. correct?"

"yeah" where was he going with this?

"Well if that's the case. I think he would be the one suing you for emotional distress, not the other way around."

I pulled back in my chair and looked at him, "Excuse me?"

"I don't mean to offend you, Sir, but it's true. As your legal advisor, I must be honest with you. If you left him and relocated without a means of contact and he had your daughter, and he is unable to contact you. I think he might have had some distress raising her alone up to this point." Is he defending Seokjin?

"I am sorry, but are you defending him? Aren't you, my lawyer? Maybe I am in the wrong place." I pushed my chair out to leave.

"Sir, please just listen. Calm down a bit. I am willing to be your lawyer, but I have to be honest with you. I am not defending your ex. I am defending you, but I must also educate you on what you are potentially going to be up against. You left him without a way to contact you and now seeking parental rights, that's a tough case. One I am not saying we won't win. We will. However, you can't sue for emotional distress is all I am saying."

"Are you sure about that? Well, why don't you investigate for me just how many kids he had? Aranum hinted she had a brother who died. I want to know who he that kid with and who the father was. Although maybe I am overthinking things as Seokjin was very swift when he was younger so it would not surprise me if he fucked around and had a kid with someone else as well." Maybe Yoongi's or Hoseok kid. Could be Taehyung for all I know.

"Interesting. Well, why don't we send an order out to Seokjin and set up a court date? I think we first need to do a DNA test, we don't want to do all this and then to find out the kid is not yours. Did anyone confirm that she is yours? Also, I will investigate about this other kid of Seokjin."

" Do you think I would fucking be here if I had any doubt the kid was mine? Does it look like I got time to waste? Of fucking course the kid is mine. I saw her with my own eyes. I saw Seokjin expression, I don't need anything else. Do a DNA I don't give a shit, more ways to strengthen my case anyway. All I know I want equal rights to my daughter, and I want it like yesterday. So do what you can to make it happen. I am not paying you to ask dumb questions. Call me when you have official serve Seokjin, and it's time for court. You need my blood, spit or whatever for DNA testing, let me know too." I got up out my seat and grabbed my jacket.

"Sir, I will be sure to do that. Please stay away from them both during the time we work on your case. You don't want to do anything that will put you in jeopardy of losing."

"yeah yeah, whatever. Just do your damn job and send me a timeline on when I can expect to have my kid. Also, I need to know who the father of that kid who died ASAP." No way in hell that kid could be mine. Seokjin wouldn't have been so evil to have my child die and me not know about it.

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