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"Appa why are you crying?" Areum questions as she pushes her way onto the balcony after prying the door open. "You promise you weren't going to make Appa angry," Areum said, looking at her dad with tears in her eyes.

Both Jin and Jungkook turned to look at their little girl in shock. "Areum my
little princess, come here," Jungkook said, reaching out to his daughter but she pushed his hand away and ran to Jin. "Don't touch me; you made my appa cry." Areum shakes her head at her dad as she squeezes herself into Jin's lap.

"Appa are you okay?" Areum said, looking up at Jin and wiping away his tears. Jin smiled at his baby girl, "I am okay baby. Appa  got sad that's all." Jin said as he hugged his baby girl and placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Areum" Jungkook called out to his daughter, but she ignored him.

"Appa did he make you cry?" Areum asked her appa as she pretends as though her father is not in the room.

Jin looked over at Jungkook and saw his expression, as much as it wasn't supposed, it did something to him. While he was okay with himself being angry at Jungkook, he did not want to drag their daughter into the midst of it. It wasn't fair to her, nor was it her burden to carry.

"No baby, he didn't. So, don't be mad at your dad, okay?" Jin said, forcing a smile with his daughter.

"Okay," Areum said with a pout and looked down at her feet.

"It's okay baby. Appa needs to talk to your dad. I promise I won't cry anymore, okay. Please go back inside; I will come to get you when I am done." Jin said to his daughter and placed her on her feet to stand.

"You promise you are coming to see me after?" She gave Jin a sad look.

Jin smiled, "Appa promise baby. Appa doesn't break his promises. Now go back inside." he told her and pointed towards the door.

Areum took her time and slowly walked back into the house, still not acknowledging her dad. Once she was out of sight, Jin turned to a statue-like Jungkook who still seemed to be in shock had what just happened.

"Jungkook, Please go home."

"Why?" Jungkook whispered, still unable to grasp what had just occurred.

"What do you mean why?" Jin asked as he looked at him, confused by his question.

Jungkook's Pov:

"Sorry, I mean, why did you tell her I didn't make you angry? Why didn't you tell her I am the one who made you cry?" I couldn't understand why he didn't tell her the truth.

"Jungkook, it's simple, I love that little girl more than life itself, and I would hate for her to feel the same pain I have felt and still feel today. She cares about you and has accepted you into her life. I am trying not to ruin that for you or her. I don't want because of me she sees you as a monster, I would rather you showcase your real self to her.

My daughter is my first and foremost priority; everything I do is for her. When she hurt, I hurt even more. I can't think selfishly when it comes to her as much as I would like to. It's obvious she likes you, and she enjoys spending time with you. Although I am not fond of it, there is nothing I can do about it, right now. Therefore, I have accepted you as a part of her life.

You never did right by me, but I guess now you have the opportunity to not think of self and care for someone else.

I get you want to say sorry, and you want my forgiveness. However, I got a lot of questions Jungkook that I need answers to. I don't think you get it or you understand you took a chunk of my life away from me. You created a storm and walked away as though it was nothing.

You continued to live, celebrate life, and existed as though you did nothing wrong. The only reason you found out had a kid was due to us living in this same building, which I still curse, but hey, it is what it is.

You never cared about me; you never cared how you left me and the state you left me in. Within that same year, you got married Jungkook! I understand that you are sorry, but your sorry can't heal what's been wounded inside of me.

I am not going to sit and pretend that I'm strong, and everything went smooth after you left. No, my life became miserable. I struggled to finish school; I struggled during my pregnancy. I struggled when I had to bury Kai. I struggled when I had to explain to Areum why her brother wasn't coming home. So much shit took place in my fucking life after you Jungkook that if you are going to apologize, you need to know what you are apologizing for.

Don't say sorry to me to clear your conscience. If that's the case, keep it!"

Jin got up from his seat and walked off the balcony back into his home, leaving me standing on my own.

"What are doing with yourself Jeon Jungkook?" I asked myself as I pulled on my hair.

Looking at my daughter and realizing the pain she was in at seeing Jin in just now broke my heart. Jin in tears broke my heart.

I don't know how to fix it all, but I want to.

My mother always told me action speaks louder than words; I guess that's what I'll have to do to show that I am serious when I say I am sorry.

I can't heal Jin's past pains. Even though I wish I could, I can't. My words aren't going to heal him, but maybe if I show him, I messed up in the past, and I ready to try again doing all the things I should've done, perhaps then he'll forgive me.

I want him and Areum in my life, no matter how selfish it may sound. I'm still in love with him, and I want things to work for my baby girl. I want to see her happy.

Therefore, I'm going to put my pride and ego aside and see where life takes us.

A/N: Was this a crappy chapter? If feel like it was. Or is because I'm a crappy mood?

Anyway, what do you think Jungkook can do to show Jin, he's changing or he's sorry?

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