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Taehyung's Pov:

I glared and Hoseok and shook my head; I couldn't believe it. Without taking the time to acknowledge him or entertain any more of Jungkook madness. I stormed out of Jungkook house and ran across to Jin's place.

I was pounding on the door for him to let me in. I wanted to make sure that before Jin hears anything from them, he heard it from myself.

Jin looked a bit startled when he opened up the door. "Taehyung what's wrong? I didn't know you were stopping by?" he said, and he looked at me carefully.

I was out of breath, but I fought my hardest to get my words out to him, "Jin there something I need to talk to you about, and it's very important. please, you have to listen to me, and you have to promise me that no matter what you won't be upset with me."

"Taehyung, what's wrong? You are scaring me, why would I be upset with you?"

He stepped away from the door, and I walked into his home. I was extremely nervous. I let out a deep breath, worried if I should disclose everything that happened. I mean, I wasn't wrong.

At least I don't think I was, maybe a bit selfish, but I did it for his safety.

"Jin, please forgive me but I do have something to confess to you, and I want you to hear it from me before you hear from someone else. I rather you hate me because of me, but not because of what you hear from someone else."

Jin took a seat my his dining room table and stares at me; I could tell he was puzzled. He didn't say anything but looked at me.

"When Jungkook left, he might have tried to contact me about you. I did talk to him for a bit and when he asked me how you were. I told him you were good."

"Okay..." Jin said, still looking at me puzzled.

"That's not it Jin, the day you found out that you were having the twins he asked me if I thought he should return to you and I told him that you moved on and no longer wanted anything to do with him." I stopped and looked at him, trying to get a read on him as I let what I now confessed soak in, but his expression was blank.

He was no longer looking at me, but on the floor.

"I told him that you and Hoseok were dating and you seem happy without him there-"

"Why?" Jin questioned cutting me off.

"Wait, before you ask me anything, let me finish, please. That's not the only thing he asked me. He wanted for me to give you his new number so you could contact him because he didn't have yours anymore, but I never gave it to you because you had finally started to move on you were living your life without him. I mean Jin, he had deleted your number.

Yes, you were heartbroken, but you were living, and I didn't want him to bring you any more pain. I thought I was shielding you, Jin. You had finally started to open up to me, and I thought I could be there for you and the kids. I wanted to be there for you and the kids once they were born.

I liked you for so long, but you only had eyes for Jungkook. I think you knew I liked you too, but you chose him. He was the only one that mattered to you.

But when he left, I saw an opportunity for us, and I didn't want to lose it. Especially considering he was getting married, he was going to come back to break your heart all over again, Jin, and I couldn't allow that to happen."

Jin was silent; he didn't even look at me.

"Jin, please say something." I couldn't bear the silence, especially when I didn't know what was going through his mind. Even though it pained me to confess this to him, I felt a lot better because it came from me and not Jungkook or Hoseok.

"T-Taehyung, I think I need some time to process what you just told me," Jin said as tears fell from his eyes.

"Jin, please don't push me away. I didn't mean you any harm. I love Areum, I love her and Kai like they are my own and you know that. I love you, Seokjin. I love you so much. You know my feelings are real for you, please don't push me away. Please forgive me." I kneeled before him and began pleading to him. I couldn't leave knowing he might be upset with me.

I swear I hated Jungkook; he was the cause of all of this. Why did it have to be him and not me? Given a chance, I would've never left Jin. Since Jungkook left, I've always been there.

"Did you love Kai? Do you love Areum?" Jin looked up at me with tears running down his face. It pained me to see him like that and to know that I was possibly the cause for it.

I usually am the one to wipe his tears away; I never cause them.

"Of course Jin, what kind of question is that?" I love those kids as though they were my own.

"Then why didn't you let their father know about them? You know how much I tried reaching out to him, I didn't even care Taehyung if he came back to me, I just wanted him to know he had kids and you-"

Jin didn't finish his words as he broke down into the tears.

My heart broke looking at him crumble all over again, and it's then I realize that maybe I had been somewhat selfish.


A/N: seeing everyone's opinion on this book thus far on what's been happening is interesting. I like seeing the different views and thought process.

In the end, I will wrap up the message within this book. Until then, thank you for enjoying and tolerating my craziness.

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