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Taehyung's Pov:

"Why don't you leave Seokjin alone?" I say to Jungkook as I walk into his place. He said he wanted to meet and talk with me, but I didn't have much to say to him other than I wanted him to leave Seokjin alone.

All was going well until he showed back up. Seokjin I knew ultimately would have given me a chance, but him coming around now is making matters difficult for me. I don't even get why Seokjin hadn't gotten over him by now, I mean seriously. It's a little pitiful.

"Funny you should say that. I should be asking you the same question. I am really surprised by you Taehyung. I mean, I knew you had a thing for him, but I didn't think you would sabotage our friendship and even hide from me that I had two kids. Let me rephrase this, I am okay with you thinking you could have him if that's what your sick mind wanted you to believe, but to not tell me he was pregnant Taehyung, did you have to be that low?" He says, glaring at me. Of course, he wants me to make me out as the guilty one when he created this storm.

"Jungkook you left him, you fucked up, not me. Let's be grateful I was there pick up the pieces your sorry ass couldn't."

"Bullshit! I called you that same day, I left Taehyung, and I told you how I left him and how horrible I felt. You and I communicated time and time again I even told you how much I didn't want to go through with the wedding. I even asked you if you think I should come back, but what did you tell me? What did you fucking tell me Taehyung?" He was livid as he screamed at me.

Of course, I knew what I told him. The day he asked me was the same day I found out Seokjin was pregnant. It was also the first day that Seokjin hugged me and cried into my arms. It was the first time he had acknowledged that I existed since Jungkook had left. All two months prior he had ignored me, even when I would bring by dinner and lunch for him, he wouldn't accept them from me, he had stamped me like Jungkook. I was not too fond of it. I wasn't like Jungkook. I wouldn't have left him.

That very same day, he smiled at me and thanked me for my kindness and for being there for him. He begged me not to leave him as he was terrified and didn't know what to do. He needed me; I was important to him. Sure, Jungkook wanted to know if he should return, but why should he, Jin was finally going to accept me, at least that's what I thought.

"What does it matter what I told you Jungkook, what are you going to do run along and tell Jin? I am surprised you didn't do so already. So what if I told you he moved on. So what if I didn't give your number to him as you asked. What does it matter, he hated you then, and he still hates you now. Even if you tell him, he won't believe you. No one will. Do you want to know why? Because I am the one who has been there with him through thick and thin. I am the one who followed him to every doctor's appointment. I am the one who was and has been there for Kai and Areum. You were selfish either way. You left him after taking care of your selfish needs." Ain't no way I am going to make him make me believe I did something wrong when he is the wrong one.

Jungkook stares at me and shakes his head, "Tell Jin? Why would I cause him more sadness than he has already suffered? You are not that important. I gave him a different version of what happened; I don't want him enduring any more pain. I am not worried about him believing me over you; I am thankful that even though four years have passed, he has still never looked to you in the way you wanted him to.

Taehyung you were my best friend, I held you closer to me than anyone else. You knew my perception of Jimin and I's marriage. You even told me that I should be able to be with whom I wanted to be with and not whom my parents expected me to be with.

I have so much anger and hate towards you, and it's not even because you never gave Jin my number or tell me to come back, but the fact that you knew he was pregnant and kept it from me, I can never forgive you for that-"

"You should have never left to begin with. The day you left you ended your relationship with him, so don't speak as though you are a saint, you fucked up your own life. I owed you nothing to tell you he was pregnant." I yelled at him

I watched as his fist doubled, and he gritted his teeth. I so want him to hit me again so I can show Jin just how much of a monster he is.

"You are right, but you owe me one thing now."

"Damn right, I am right, and I owe you nothing," I told him as I walked toward his door to leave, this shit wasn't even worth my time. His coward ass couldn't also tell Jin the truth; there was nothing for me to worry about.

"Leave Jin and my daughter alone, if you do not, I am going to tell Jin everything, and I do mean everything as well as show him proof." he lets out causing me to pause at the front of his door.

"He won't believe shit from you, and I can tell him it's all fabricated." I turned towards him and yell. Did he think he could scare me with a threat? Jin was mine, and everyone had already accepted it.

"But, he will believe it from me," Hoseok said as he walked out and stood next to Jungkook with tears in his eyes.


A/N: This is when I exit. 

I actually push this chapter closer than it was intended, but it will all make sense soon. 

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