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Jungkook's Pov:

Jin was driving me insane. Everything about him, from his hair to his clothes to how his skin glowing in the night light was messing with me.

I knew we were supposed to be taking things slow and believe me I wanted to, but I didn't expect him to show up like this on our first date.

", you cannot kiss me. So scoot yourself back over in your chair and stop invading my space."

"No?" I had to ask again because the look in his eyes didn't seem like no to me. I saw how his body reacted to my touch earlier. How can he say no now?

"Yes, Jungkook, I said no. I don't kiss on the first date." He looked at me and smiled.

"B-but..." he placed his finger on my lips, shutting me up. "This is our first day. We are starting a new remember?"

Removing his finger from my lips, he took a sip of his wine as a small smile formed.

I was left in shock. Jin had really changed a lot. He didn't kiss on the first date, but...

I guess times have really changed and my baby has grown up a lot. 

"So do you kiss on the second date?" I wasn't pushing things; I was merely curious.

"Are you dating me just to kiss me, Jeon?" He raised his eyebrow and stared at me.

"Of course not! You are tempting, that's all." Jin hasn't changed one bit in his beauty. If anything he seemed to be getting way younger.

"I've been told." Who the hell has he been told that by?

Jin's Pov:

When Jungkook asked to kiss me, I wanted to say yes so badly, but then I had to remind myself that we were taking baby steps and Hoseok would probably kill me after all his pep talk earlier.

He told me to play hard to get, and that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to let the famous Jeon Jungkook sweat a little. Might not be healthy for me, but it's okay I'll survive.

I used to be the crazy jealous one, and now it's time to reverse the roles.

"What do you mean you've been told?" Jungkook asked in a serious tone as he leaned forward to look at me.

I bit into my bottom lip to prevent myself from breaking into a smile.

"Jin" he calls my name when I didn't answer.

"Yes, Jungkook?"

"Who have you been told by that you are tempting?"  This time is question was clear and straightforward.

"Just some people."  I took another sip of wine as I surveyed his reaction.

"Define some people?" I could tell he was withholding himself from getting irritated with my short responses.

However, he couldn't be mad at me. He was married and so what if I dated. I mean, I didn't, but that was none of his business.

"People I've interacted with. I'm not sure how you want me to define some people Jungkook. Are you saying it's a problem for someone to say that I'm tempting?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I am saying. I don't like it." The nerve of this man.

"Well, Jungkook I didn't like the fact that you got married, but hey, I had to deal with it. You didn't expect I would spend my time alone and not date, did you?"

The look on his face changed as realization kicked in. "N-not exactly, but how many dates did you have, not that many right?" He looked at me, hopeful. He looked so cute the way his eyes widen.

Focus Jin, focus.

"Seriously Jungkook, look at me. Do you seriously think I didn't have a lot of dates? I didn't date everyone who asked me out, only a few who deemed themself worthy of me."

"What about now, are you dating any of them or talking to any of them?" His finger tapped the table as he asked his question.

"Umm....not exactly. I do talk to one person, but we are not dating we are just friends, and now I guess I'm dating you."

"Does he like you?" He should have been an interrogator, just saying.

"That's a very interesting question. He had an interest in me, but I don't think he does anymore."

The look on his face was priceless.
"I don't like him, and I don't want you talking to him...."

He was cut off as the waiter placed what I assumed to be our appetizer on the table. "Thank you," I told him.

As soon as he left, my eyes were back to a fuming Jungkook.

"Jungkook you can't tell me who to talk to, and he's just my friend. I mean you've met him before too."

He leaned in closer to me as I could feel his breath on my lips, "Seokjin?"

"Y-Yes" my heart was beating out my chest at the close proximity.

"Do you remember what I told you years ago about me and sharing?"

Of course, I remember. How could I forget?


"Then tell me, what was it?" His hands rest on my tight as he spins me to face him entirely.

"Jeon Jungkook doesn't share," I whispered out.

"Do you think that has changed over the years?"


"Then I'll trust you know what to do with whoever it is you are texting or claim to be talking to." He pulled back away from me and began eating his food.

"What about you?" I blurted out.

He turns in his seat his eyes bore into mine, "My focus is on you and only you. Going forward, it will always be only on you. Here's my phone. The password is the day we met. You can search through it. Anything I'm asking you to do, I plan to do the same as well. No more secrets between us Seokjin. I'm serious this time around. I've also been thinking too. I don't want to do this dating thing. Why can't I make you my boyfriend instead?"

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