Keep Your Cool.

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"God, I love Wisconsin," Kristen laughs, shaking her head as I hand her the clear plastic cup filled with the golden, slightly foamed drink. Taking my seat back down next to her, I take a sip of my cup and nod as I glance to the field, "And I love your fake."

Scoffing with a small smile, I nod, "Yeah, it's nice even though half the time I don't seem to need it." Kristen laughs and shakes her head a little as she watches the game in front of us, "How have you been? I feel like it's been forever since we've gotten to hang out." 

Kristen sets her cup into the holder of the seat in front of her before leaning back, "You know, just focusing on school mostly even though the semester just ended. My dad wants me to come back to work and everything, but now that we're on break, I don't know I want to." Of course, you wouldn't, "My grandpa obviously is paying for school so he can get a tax break."

"Obviously," I mumble back with a chuckle over how ridiculous her whole family situation and dynamic is. "That's still crazy to me. Like you've got your grandpa just down to pay for everything, and here I am with a tiny softball scholarship paying for school with my dead mom's money."

"You know it makes me feel weird when you bring that up," Kristen says, making me roll my eyes, "What have you got going on now that your season is over?" 

Shrugging, I take a sip of my beer before setting it back down as the last of the Rockies batters strikes out. "Probably just going to work, see if Tyler and Sal need any help at the bar. Find an actual job, so I don't entirely deplete my savings on rent for my tiny apartment that I'm paying way too much for." 

"Definitely," Kristen nods, "Jordan wants me to come up by him too whenever he's home, so I'll probably spend a lot of time there." I nod, acknowledging it as I watch Lorenzo Cain take his at-bat. "Who's your favorite Brewer right now?" 

The question makes me laugh as if there's even a question as I'm sitting here in his jersey even, "Obviously Yeli's going to be my baby daddy," I joke, making her laugh, "Looking all cute over in the on-deck circle. Obviously, the dude rakes too, so it's more than just superficial." 

Kristen laughs, nodding, "Yeah, I definitely get that from you. He's a cutie.

Both of us watch as he takes the plate, following Lo Cain getting walked. "Ten bucks says he homers here," I comment, nodding a little knowing damn well he's due for one. 

"Bitch no, we both know he's due. I'm not losing ten bucks!" She responds, laughing.

With a full count on him, and Cain stealing two, he gets into position to take the next pitch. Leaning back in my seat, I wait along with him watching the Rockies pitcher get his signs. A split second after the ball is thrown, the crack of Christian's bat as it hits the ball rings out, and the ball goes flying out towards center field. That baby is gone. I, along with the rest of the fans at Miller Park, shoot out of my seat and start clapping. Once the ball is officially gone, everyone in my section is up on their feet, celebrating our reigning MVP's home run.  

Sitting back down, I turn and ask Kristen, "Wanna go out after this?"

"Tyler!" I call out and wave him over to us as I let my purse hang over the side of the chair, "Can I get a captain and coke?" 

"You driving?" I shake my head, "Then sure, this one is on me, though."

"Why?" I ask, laughing as I sit across from him at the bar. 

"Because I know you're still trying to pay for school, and I think drunk Jai is fun," Tyler tells me with a slight laugh. 

"Ass," I tease, watching him pour me a drink, "How's the night been?"

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