Christian WTF?.

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"Welcome back, superstar," Christian says, greeting me with a hug in the hallway by the clubhouse. "When did you get back in? Why the hell didn't you say anything?" He's holding me tightly, almost like he's afraid to let go or something.

"I just got in this morning," I tell him, hugging him tightly too, "I stopped home to change, then came straight here. How could I surprise you if I told you I was coming?" I laugh as we hold each other a second longer.

"We should celebrate," He tells me, "Invite Tyler and Dylan over. I'm not sure anyone's ever put up a .896 batting average. That's worth celebrating." Christian winks at me, making me laugh.

"We can do something small," I confirm, shaking my head, "I'm trying to get some normal sleep again, and I'm kinda partied out."

"I can only imagine," Christian teases, "It's been what, almost a week now?"

"Yeah, and I've gone pretty hard at least five of those days," I confirm, laughing with him.

"Well, we're doing something either way." 

Laughing, I nod before my eyes land on Shelby. If looks could kill. "We'll have plenty of time to catch up. Why don't you interact with your girlfriend? I'm not trying to get stabbed in my sleep or something." Laughing a little, I speak up again, "I'll see you back at home. If you wanna do something, feel free to invite who you want." 

Christian glances to Shelby, shooting her a fake smile before looking back to me, "Alright, I'll see you at home." 

Hopping up onto my counter next to where Tyler is sitting on one of my barstools, I lean my shoulder into him, "So, when's the wedding? And am I a, I was going to say bridesmaid, but that's not right. A groomsmaid? Maid Of Honor? Best Lady?" 

Tyler scoffs with a laugh, grabbing a handful of the pretzels from the bowl behind him. "I don't really know yet. There's no rush on anything. I think Dyl and I are just happy knowing it'll happen more than anything."

"Well, good. I'm glad," I tell him, grabbing a handful of the snacks we'd put out as well. "You know, when you told me you had a boyfriend, I didn't expect it to become a fiance this quick. I'm glad it did though, Dylan's about as close to perfect as you could get." 

"I'm going to take that as a compliment," Tyler laughs. "What about you and Yeli? How are you guys doing after everything?" 

Glancing to where Christian is chatting with his teammates, Shelby all but glued to his side, I shrug. "I mean, we're fine. We're about in as good as a spot as I think we can be, especially with Shelby around. We're fine, though." 

"And how are you doing?" Ty asks, looking up at me seriously for the first time. 

Smiling, I nod before taking a drink of my Truly, "You know, I feel like that's a question for a few weeks from now when my life calms down a little. Right now, it's super easy to just say I'm doing great; all of my relationships are doing well, I just won another gold medal, both of my deals are doing insane numbers. Everything feels like it's really good right now." 

"I'm really glad to hear that, Jai," He tells me, a smile on his face, "Who would I talk about my boy problems with without you?" Snorting over the comment, I push his head a little making him laugh. Tyler's always been good shit. I'm lucky to have him in my life. 

After a couple of hours, everyone started heading out before only Christian, Shelby, and I were left. Christian and I are cleaning up a little taking any stray dishes and utensils, throwing away the forgotten napkin or two, hopefully controlling a little of the chaos before the night ends. One would think Shelby would've at least offered to help, seeing as she's a little more than just a guest, but hey, not everyone can be so kind. 

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