She's Too Good For You, Bro.

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My dancing is sloppy as the after-party rages on around me. Christian just laughs as I'm all over him, knowing full well I'm a handful of drinks past sober. My mouth feels fuzzy, and the only thoughts I have are Chicken Nuggets. Turning around, I throw my arms around Christians' neck, a huge smile on my face. "Mmmm, Baby," I whine, pouting my lip out getting his full attention. He smiles, chuckling slightly as he looks to me, "I want chicken nuggets."

"Of course you do," He replies, laughing with a small head shake. "Alright, let's grab Ryan and Larissa and see if they want to come with." Grinning, I nod as I hold Christian's hand, clinging to his arm as he leads the way through the crowd. Not only do I get to be close to him, but also I can keep myself from stumbling.


Chuckling, I look down at JJ, clinging to my arm. If there was a picture to represent white-girl wasted, this is it. Her grasp is tight around me, and I know she's mostly using me to steady herself. It's been a while since I've been around her, this drunk. Even so, her drive for chicken nuggets is hard to forget.

Finding Ryan and Larissa, I use my free hand to grab Ryans' shoulder, "Hey, JJ wants nuggets; Do you guys wanna head out with us? Otherwise, the rest of her group is hanging out for a while longer."

"Nah, we'll head out with you guys," Ryan says, before chuckling as he looks at JJ, "You look like you've had a good time tonight."

"This fine piece of man is about to buy me nugs," JJ replies, her words starting to slur together as her voice goes up about an octave from where it usually sits. "I've had a great time."

"God, to be twenty-three again," Larissa laughs.

"Hey," JJ starts, standing straight up for the first time since she attached herself to me, "Nobody likes you when you're twenty-three, and you still act like you're in freshman year." Shaking my head, we all laugh as JJ sings the lyrics to the Blink-182 song, mostly just ignoring her for now.

JJ sings and raps along to every single song that plays from my rentals speakers off of her phone's playlist. She's vibing along in her own little world in the passenger seat as I drive while Ryan and Larissa accompany us in the backseat. Every so often, I steal a glance at JJ as she's in her own little world, just vibing on her own.

"Thanks," I tell the worker in the Burger King window as he hands me the bag of food.

I'm barely able to pass her the bag when she leans forward and yells, "Hey!" oh god, "You're a G," She calls out, pointing to the worker, making all of us laugh, "Thanks for the nugs!"

"You guys have a nice rest of your night," He replies, still laughing as we pull away. JJ is already checked out of the conversation, Fully transfixed on the chicken nuggets in her hands. Ryan and I are cracking up as I pull into an empty space at the back of the lot while Larissa is giggling to herself. 

Grabbing the bag from JJ, I get an "Aye!" In response as her face scrunched up, upset that I took the bag from her. 

"Calm down," I tell her, chuckling as I pass out the rest of our order. JJ rolls her eyes before unbuckling and leaning her back against the car door. She's restless a moment, seemingly to try and get comfortable before she decides to rip the headrest out of her seat so she's able to see everyone in the car. "JJ, if you break the car, I swear to god." 

"What?" She asks, snatching her package of chicken nuggets out of my hand as she moves her head sassily, "I'm gonna have to pay for it?" Her eyes go wide a moment as she holds her free hand up, mocking the idea that it'd be an inconvenience. Sometimes I forget she's more than willing to blow her net worth after a few drinks. Ryan's loud laugh fills the car; he's never seen her quite like this and is very obviously enjoying it. "See, Ryan gets it." 

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