Let's Go To Target.

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JJ practically moans as she takes a bite of the burger, swallowed in my hoodie, dancing along in my passenger seat to every song that plays through the speakers. As I chuckle, she turns to face me, leaning her back on the car door. "I haven't heard you make that noise in a while." 

Her subtle attempt at a glare falls short, as she can't pull the smile from her face, "You could've earlier, but." Barely making out what she mumbled, I pretend not to hear her anyway. She's drunk, and I'm taken. As I look at JJ, I can't help but think of how much happier I'd be with her. The fact I ditched Shelby to hang out with her should say enough. The fact I haven't heard from her once now, either, says that much more. "Why are you looking at me like that?" 

Shaking my head, I just smile, "Sorry, I zoned out for a second." 

"Damn," JJ says, a small chuckle coming from her before she continues, "I thought I had a chance of getting with the Best Male Athlete, again." Somehow talking about having sex with me was so nonchalant that she didn't give it a second thought continuing eating her burger. How the fuck does she manage to make eating a burger attractive? Swaying along to the Ariana Grande song, her eyes are closed, just vibing along with the music, taking a bite every so often as she hums along. Pulling out my phone, I start recording her on snapchat as she does her thing. Even with her eyes closed, it seems like she knows I'm recording as she holds her arm up, rolling her body slightly along with the song playing. 

"Hey, JJ," I say, pulling her attention. When she opens her eyes, she immediately smiles.

"He giving me that good shit, that make me not quit, that good shit. Oh he give it to me, everyday, everyday, everyday, he give it to me." She sings along fairly loudly, making me laugh as I end the snap. Moments like this remind me why I fell in love with her in the first place. 

Throwing the wrapper back into the bag when she's done, she looks at me and immediately just states, "Let's go to Target." 

"It's one-thirty in the morning Target's closed."

"Fine, then Wal-Mart," She replies as if that were the obvious next move. 

"What do you need from Wal-Mart?" I ask, chuckling a little as I start my engine back up. 

"I don't know, wine?" She answers, "I'm a lot less drunk now than I was twenty minutes ago, and that's not as fun." 

Scoffing at her response, I shake my head, "Can't buy alcohol after two am here, JJ. We won't make it in time." 

JJ groans, tipping her head back making me laugh, "Fine, then let's go back to your hotel." 

Shaking my head, I just smile at her before putting my car in drive and pulling out of our parking space. As I drive back, there's a handful of glances in her direction. The joy I feel just being with her is something I haven't felt in a long time. Even with our drive only consisting of her singing, rapping, and bouncing around to every single song off of her playlist, I know this is going to be one of my favorite memories with her. 

Getting back to my floor, JJ can' manage to walk down the hall, making me carry her on my back again. Pushing the door open, I bring both of us in as JJ giggles the whole way in. 

"What's so funny up there, JJ?" 

"I remembered before when you threw me off of you," She says, her giggles never faltering, "Offer still stands. If you wanna see me naked, just ask." 

"Shut up," I tell her, laughing over how forward she is.

"Shut up," She mimics before squealing a little as I toss her back on the bed again, "I love it when you're rough with me." 

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