Friends with Baseball.

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"Christian: Hey, what's your email? I'll send you tickets to today's game. Maybe after we could meet up ;)" Reading the message, I shake my head a little. It's been about a week since I first met Christian, and we've talked here and there every day since. Even with us talking, this is the first time either of us suggested meeting up again. Given his status and how worried he'd been about me telling people, I figured I'd let him make the first move.

Typing out my response, I smirk slightly, thinking about everything, "Hmm... tempting offer ;)" 

"Christian: Definitely spelled your name wrong in my phone xD Sending tix now. Can't wait for tonight."

"Me neither. Good luck today, Yeli," I respond quickly. He's probably going to be busy pretty soon. Backing out of our conversation, I check my ballpark app to accept the transfer of tickets. He did send me two. . . It'd be fair to assume I can bring a friend, right? 

Heading into the group chat, I shoot Kristen and Tyler a text asking if either of them wants to come. Kristen is working, I think, but Tyler should be free. Pausing a minute, I look at the screen, waiting on a response. Both of them could be busy. If I shower, they'll probably get back to me by the time I'm done. 

Getting out of the shower, I check my phone. Sure enough, Kristen is working, and Tyler is free. Honestly, I'm glad Tyler was the one available today.

Christian seems to be interested in this being a booty call based on his text. Given that fact, I should probably do something more with my hair rather than just letting it do its thing. Wisconsin weather isn't exactly predictable half the time. Blow-drying my hair, I brush it out before running my straightener through it. 

 After finishing my hair, I head back into my room and grab a matching black lace set. Tonight is worth a little more planning than my first meeting with Christian. Grabbing a black tank top and a pair of jean shorts, I can't help but chuckle seeing my Yeli jersey. Something tells me he'd get a kick out of me wearing that. 

Tyler calls as I sit at my desk to do my make-up. "Hey."

"Hey, I'm here. Can I just let myself in?" Tyler asks.

"Yeah, I don't care," I respond, pumping a little foundation onto the back of my hand. "I'm in my room finishing up getting ready." 

"Alright, see you in like a minute," He says, laughing a little before he hangs up the phone. Using my beauty blender to spread my foundation evenly on my face, I barely notice as Tyler comes in and flops onto my bed.

"Dramatic," I say, blending out the concealer under my eyes. "Everything okay?" 

"Yeah, incredibly minor boy trouble. It's not a big deal. I'm just overthinking everything.

"Wanna talk about it?" I offer. 

"Nah, I've got it under control. It's just frustrating," Tyler says, chuckling a little.

Scoffing, I nod, "Now you know how Kristen and I feel." 

Ty laughs at my comment, "Yeah, I guess. Speaking of which, did you buy these tickets? Or does sleeping with the MVP have some perks?" 

I can't help but roll my eyes, "I don't know how I should answer that." 

"Oh," Tyler comments playfully, his eyebrows going up slightly. Chuckling, I shake my head. "It's the latter, right?" I just shrug. "You know you can trust me, right? Regardless of the outcome, I'm here for you, Jai. Especially if you're finally going to date someone cool." 

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