MVP Wasn't a Lie.

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Glancing around Christian's penthouse, I notice every detail that I can. You can tell a lot about a person based on where they live. It's very open, with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city. While I'm sure there's not much that he could do about the cabinetry, based on his choice in furniture, it may be what he'd have gone with regardless. The dark grey cabinetry compliments the navy color scheme he seems to be going with throughout the living space, the gold accents being a nice touch. Something tells me he's particular about how he likes things, but he'd never be over the top about it. The space is very masculine but doesn't scream man cave or anything like that. He probably had most of the input but had an interior designer furnish the place. Nothing about the place is flashy, which is nice to see, especially since he's got the kind of money where he could be.

"Bubbly or not?" Christian asks, peering back at me from his kitchen.

"That's the question," I chuckle, curiosity getting the better of me as I stand from his couch and make my way to stand by his island. As I approach, I notice him looking through the wine fridge embedded under his counter. Leaning on the island counter, I hold my hand under my chin as I decide, "No bubbly."

"Perfect," he replies, grabbing a bottle quickly and shutting the small fridge as he grabs two glasses that had been hanging above the counter. Letting my eyes follow him, he unwraps the bottle before gabbing a corkscrew to open the bottle. Off hand, I have no clue what he's chosen for us; based on the bottle, it's a little more expensive than the four-dollar Moscato I typically indulge in.

After pouring both glasses, Christian sets one in front of me, our eyes locking for a moment as he does. "You've got beautiful eyes," he comments before taking a drink of the fresh glass of white wine. "Anyone ever tell you that?"

"Maybe once or twice before," I reply, a slight smirk on my face. Taking a sip of my glass for the first time, the sweet citrus flavor of the Moscato he's picked makes me smile a bit more. You can flirt a little more than that, Jai; he's already got you in his home, "I liked hearing you say it, though."

He's got a warm chuckle as he nods, a little smile on his face as he does. While I'd always found him physically attractive, being this close to him and the little things like that smile right there add to that. As happy as I'd have been just to come here and sleep with him right away, the build-up to that is a welcomed change of pace compared to the frat boys I've been around.

"Wanna come sit?" He suggests walking around the island and offering me his hand. Taking it, I let him lead the way back to his sofa. Christian sits first, leaning back and resting his right arm on the back of the couch. Sitting next to him, I tuck my left leg and let it rest against him as I drape my right leg over his so I'm facing him as I rest my elbow on the back of the couch, propping my head up with my hand. Clearly, my slight buzz is making me a little ballsier than I'd typically be.

Christian chuckles quietly, switching his glass to his right hand, leaving his left free to rest on my thigh. "Forward," He comments, obviously teasing as his hand trails gently along my leg, never making its way too high before making its way back down.

"I figured you've already got me in your place; that's already half the battle," I joke, making him laugh. Taking a sip of my wine, I glance around the room again, "This is a nice place, I may have been expecting a little more extravagance, but I like the subtlety of it."

"C'mon, I put up a better front than that, don't I?" He asks, laughing as he fakes offense.

Smiling, I nod, "You do. I just wasn't sure what to expect. Although, I do have to commend the choice of Moscato," I comment, taking another sip of my wine, "It's one of my personal favorites."

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