That Should Tell You All You Need To Know About It.

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Waking up to the warmth of Christian holding me is something I've missed. The small smile on my face as I'm half asleep proves that. From what I can tell, both Christian and I are still fully clothed, at least enough to tell me that nothing happened last night. There are pieces missing, but I feel like I remember most of what happened. Even though I know this is wrong because of Shelby, I can't help as I snuggle closer to him. This feels like it's exactly where I need to be, as selfish as that might be. Who am I to care right now, as I begin to doze off again.

Christian's fingers trail aimlessly up and down my back when I wake again. Stretching slightly, the same smile as before reappears on my face. He chuckles slightly, and my smile grows as I get to hear that again for the first time in eight months. God, I've missed this. "Morning," I mumble, looking up to him, sharing my smile.

He smiles that contagious smile of his, and I can see in his eyes how genuinely happy he is. "Morning JJ, how'd you sleep?" 

Scoffing, I reply, "I'm not sure how to gauge that. Seeing as I was borderline blacked out last night, I'm pretty sure I could've slept through anything." We share a laugh before I continue, "I feel like I slept well. We didn't hook up, right?" 

Christian laughs, his hand still rubbing my back, "No, we didn't. You were too drunk, and I was too sober to let that happen. How much do you remember from last night?" 

"I'm not sure," I say with a laugh as I shake my head. Propping myself up on my elbow, finding a position more comfortable for us to talk. "Honestly, I think I've got most of it down. There are a few spots that are fuzzy, but I remember the awards, getting to the afterparty, some of the party, but then I don't really remember anything up until we were getting burgers. Then I think I've got everything else down." 

"So, you remember this then, right?" Christian asks. My confusion over the question is lulled when he leans into me, kissing me gently. Smiling as I kiss him back, I can't help my disappointment as he pulls away.

"Yeah," I nod, "We're not talking about the bit leading up to that last night." Something tells me I should be more embarrassed over my waterworks but being with him makes that impossible. 

"You mean how you were practically sobbing because you wanted to kiss me so bad?" Christian asks, his hand holding me tight at the small of my back before he mimics my dramatics, "'I really wanna kiss you,'" His fake crying makes me laugh as I push his face gently, getting him to stop. Turning around, I face away from him, not wanting him to see me laugh while he's poking fun at me. Christian laughs as he wraps an arm around my waist, pressing the front of his body to the back of mine, "We haven't done this in a while either. I've missed this." Me agreeing with him makes it hard for me to ignore the comment. "Do I have to start crying to get a response? Or is that something only you can do?" 

"I hate you."

"Why don't you leave then?" 

Rolling my eyes, I push on his arm, not feeling it budge, "We both know that you've got me trapped right now. Even if I wanted to, you're still stronger than me and would be able to hold me here." 

"You could put up a pretty good fight, though," Christian says, chuckling, his warm breath brushing along the back of my neck slightly. I wish we could stay this close forever. 

"Maybe I could. You work our a little harder than I do, though," I point out, laughing a little until I remember Shelby. This isn't right, even if I'm happy to be this close to him again. This is wrong, and I know that. "As much as I hate to ruin this, you have a girlfriend, Christian." 

"And what about her?"

Sighing, I take his wrist in my hand and pull it away from me so I can sit up. "And you need to decide where you want to be and with who. Obviously, I admitted that I'm still in love with you last night, and unlike you, I won't deny that now," both of us chuckle a little at my subtle callout. "But. . ." I trail off.

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