Uncharted Territory Pt. 2.

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"Are you okay?" Christian asks as soon as he gets in the car. If I answer him now, I won't be able to hold it together. Managing to nod, I push my hands through my hair, letting out a breath. "What happened? Who's Nick?" All I can do is hold my lips in my mouth as I try and focus on breathing. Not to leave him with nothing, I shake my head. This fucking sucks. As much as I trust Christian already, he doesn't need to witness me in a full-on panic attack. "You can talk to me, you know. I mean, we've known each other for about three months now. I already consider you one of my best friends."

The comment makes me smile a little. It's good to know the feeling is mutual. Sitting back, I shake my head, "I know, I just don't know how well I'll keep it together right now."

"Okay," Christian says as he looks over at me. He's pretty obviously concerned. "Do you want me to take you back to your place?" Shaking my head, he switches the question. "My place?" when I nod, he quietly says, "Alright," before taking the turn and heading towards his apartment.

Neither of us chose to speak much more on the way to his apartment. The elevator ride up and the walk-in was just as silent as the car ride had been. As soon as Christian shut the door behind us, I pushed my lips into his, wrapping my arms around his neck. Christian doesn't take long to get over the slight shock of my movement before he kisses me back. His hands find their spot on my hips, resting gently before pushing me away slightly.

"Are you sure you want to do this right now?" He asks, the concern for me still evident in his voice and on his face. 

Nodding, I pull him back into me and continue where we'd left off. A few moments pass before Christians' hands move from the top of my hips to my ass. As my tongue brushes his bottom lip, he grabs onto my ass tightly once before moving his hands lower to lift me. Effortlessly it seems, he starts making our way to his bedroom, one arm holding under my ass, the other up my back, hand holding onto my hair. 

My back brushes against the door slightly before he kicks it shut behind us, and I'm set on the bed. Christian breaks us apart for the first time as he reaches behind him to the top of his shirt and pulls it off. As many times as I've gotten to see him naked, his body never fails to amaze me. Positioning myself back on the bed, he positions himself on top of me and kisses me once more. It's only a moment before he grabs the hem of my shirt and pulls it off of me. I don't know what it is about him that constantly leaves me craving everything he has to offer.  We continue to undress before Christian inserts himself into me. This man is very good at what he does. 

I'm all but screaming his name as I finish before him while he continues, on the verge of reaching his own climax. My nails dig into his back as his movements continue on before getting sloppy as he finishes, pausing a minute as I feel him pulsating slightly before he pulls out and lays next to me a moment catching his breath.  

A couple of hours and a handful of drinks later, Christian and I are dancing in his living room, singing along to nearly every song we stumble onto with my phone on shuffle. Christian is twirling me around, making our loud laughs nearly echo in his apartment. It's a good thing this place is big. I don't know how he'd feel about a noise complaint. 

The familiar tune and claps of Mac Millers' "Dang!" begins to play, and I all but squeal in excitement as I grab my phone to turn the volume up. My lame attempts at dancing to the song make Christian laugh even more than my rapping. The alcohol in my system doesn't help my case when it comes to dancing. Christian takes the Anderson Paak adlibs while I hold down Mac's part. Neither of us has a care in the world as we dance and sing to an artist gone far too soon.  

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