Don't Objectify Me.

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Waking up still wrapped in Christian's arms from last night is a little unexpected but almost welcomed. Well, there goes just sneaking out and leaving a note in the morning. I think I'm okay with that, though, seeing as I'm pretty sore from last night. Six rounds will do that to you, I guess. Given his career path, I figured his stamina would be pretty great; I didn't expect six rounds, though. My phone is probably still on his coffee table, and I can't exactly get that until he's awake. God only knows what time it is right now, let alone what time we actually fell asleep last night. 

Sighing a little as I let my eyes scan his room. His walls are painted a dark grey. He's got a massive window that I'm facing with navy blackout curtains hanging from the ceiling. There are some gold accents scattered throughout the room. The portable wet bar caught my eye in the corner next to a lighter grey small cushioned chair. The dark hardwood floor is partially covered by a large rug that rests under his bed. It definitely keeps with the same tone as his living room and kitchen.

Shaking my head slightly, I readjust as I think of what I can do. There's really not much that I can do in this position now; I can't use my phone, I can't get up unless I wake him up, and I can't just dip now as I would typically do. Given everything, my only options are to wake up Christian or try to go back to sleep and wait for him to wake up. The latter seems like it'd be the better option.

It feels like it's only been a couple of minutes when Christian moves a little. "Hey," he whispers, "You awake?" 

I roll so that I'm facing him, "Yeah, I have been for a few minutes now." 

"Oh, you could've woken me up," he tells me. His morning voice is rather sexy.

Shaking my head a little, I reassure him, "It's okay. I've only been up a few minutes. I'd have just dipped right away and left you a note or something had you not still been holding me as you are." 

"Shit, sorry," he says, chuckling a little taking his arm from around me. "You really just dip in the morning after?"

Shrugging slightly, I nod, "Yeah, it takes away the awkwardness of not knowing what to do in the morning. Usually, I leave a note saying I had shit to do and that I had fun and leave it at that. If I had an exceptionally good time, I'd leave my number and snapchat for them so if they want to hang out again, we could." 

"I see," he says with a small smile. He's very clearly still tired. "What would my note have said?" 

I laugh a little, "Probably something like; I had a lot of fun last night. If you wanna hang out again when you're free sometime, here's my number. If not, have a good rest of the season." 

"I might still need that number even though you didn't get the chance to dip out this morning," he says with a smirk, eyes glancing down at my still very naked body. 

Rolling my eyes a little with a smile, I reply, "I'm sure we can still arrange to get you that." 

"Good, cause I couldn't honestly tell you the last night I enjoyed sex as much as I did last night."

Smirking a little at the comment, "You were pretty amazing, to say the absolute least, right now. I'm pretty sore in all the best ways." 

Christian chuckles at my comment, "I've been told I have that effect on people." 

"Don't get too cocky there, Yeli. A little is sexy; too much is bragging," I tease, poking his toned chest. His almost infectious laugh fills the air.

"You know what time it is?" he asks. I shake my head, "It's an off day, so it's not super important, just curious." 

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