Hey, You're On TV Right Now.

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Shaking my hands out, I get the few jitters out of my system before jogging up to the field. The first game always gets the nerves going, even if this is the fourth one for me on this stage. It's hard not to notice the cameras pointed at me. It's hard to take too much note of it, knowing that this is my first game as a Hall of Famer. That's bound to draw a bit of attention. There's been a gradual increase in the media presence since we won the gold in Tokyo my debut season, this season seeming to have a broadcast schedule that includes almost every game now. It's crazy to think that this sport is finally getting the mainstream attention it deserves. 

Taking my warmup lap around the field, I take everything in again. Somehow even with all the success I've had the last three seasons, it still feels surreal opening a new one. Ignoring all of the cameras on me and the advice from Ken to not dick around, I cut into the field to slap Maddy's ass before spinning out of it as we both laugh. Given my success the last few years dicking around, it's fair to continue on even with the influx of media. 

Jogging back into the dugout, I grab my glove to join the girls in the outfield, shagging some BP balls. "Aye, Maddy!" I yell out, watching her grab a fly ball and throwing it back in. Once I get back to my spot near her, I finally get the chance to ask, "Hey, how was last night?" 

Her shrug, accompanied by a subtle scrunch of her face, is basically the whole answer. "I mean, he was cute?" She suggests, not seeming to have much more to credit him with. "Anytime the conversation strayed from sports, he lost all interest. Like homie, I get exposed to enough when it comes to sports," she jokes, making me chuckle as I run up on a ball. "There was no substance, so needless to say, there won't be a second date."

"Good," I tease, "Can't have some boy stealing my girl." 

Carly scoffs, hearing the tail end of the conversation, "God, says the bitch getting married." 

Chuckling, I nod, knowing she's got me there, "To be fair, I did meet him about six months before you." Grabbing an easy popup, I throw it in while the two of them chuckle. 

"Hey, speaking of the fiancee," Maddy adds, "He got any single friends?" 

Scoffing, I shake my head, knowing she's joking. "I'm not sure. Honestly, the only friends of his I've really met are all married. Otherwise, I haven't met anyone long enough where I'd set you up. Don't worry," I add, grabbing a grounder, "I'm sure you'll have options at the wedding." The three of us chuckle a little at the thought. 

Before the conversation can move any further, Ken calls, "Jai, let's go!" 

"Bro, I just got out here," I comment, shaking my head slightly with a smile as I jog in to take my BP. 

Playing into the cameras as I make my way in, I wink and wiggle slightly as I laugh. Today is going to be a good day. Throwing my glove by my stuff, I slip into my batting glove and grab my bat before stepping up and taking a few practice swings as Elena finishes her set. I'm just thrilled to be back in this atmosphere. 

Elena and I share a high five as I step in to replace her in the shell. Cocking my hands back, I let the first pitch in and try and chop it into the infield. May as well practice a little bit of small ball, even if that's not how I ever intend to play. After taking a few to force some grounders, I reload, ready to get some Jailyn James-type hits. Smacking the next pitch over the centerfield fence, I chuckle as I call out, "Dingers!" Ken rolls his eyes, taking a second before sending me the next pitch. This one finds the space behind left fields fence. Cocking back once more I call my shot over right field this time. As soon as I make contact, I lean on my bat, watching the ball as it clears the fence, exactly where I'd said. "I'm good," I call out, tossing my bat up and catching it before slinging it over my shoulder. Ken bites his tongue, knowing he can't say anything, especially when I produce like I'm known to. 

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