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Seeing my Uber pull up to the bar, I head into my messages and pull up Christian's contact, "Hey, I had a lot of fun last night. You've got my number now if you want to hang again ;) otherwise, have a great rest of your season! :)" Definitely not the worst one-night stand if that's all it ends up being. For whatever reason, though, I'll be a little upset if it is. 

Once my driver parks, I thank him before jumping out as I grab my keys and head to my car. Pushing my hair back, I pull down my mirror and check and see that I don't look like an absolute disaster. It could be worse. Flicking the visor back up, I grab my phone and hit play before tossing my phone into the passenger seat as my Bluetooth connects. 

Pulling out of the lot, I turn the volume up as a very familiar Mac Miller song plays. What an absolute legend. Gone way too soon. "Wait, can't seem to hold onto. Dang," I sing along quietly, just vibing. This morning just seems really great for absolutely no reason. Everything just feels good. The sun is shining. It's a gorgeous seventy-eight degrees outside. There's not a cloud in sight. All around, it just seems like it's a perfect day. Then again, it's not every day you wake up to an MLB superstar. 

Pulling up to my apartment's garage, I back into my space before parking and grabbing my phone again. "Hey, I'm home. Not trying to bug you or anything. You just asked that I text you when I was here. So I'm home, lmao." Putting my phone in my purse, I grab everything I need and head up to my apartment. 

Setting everything down on my kitchen counter, I grab my phone again. Exiting out of the brand new text thread between Christian and me, I switch into the thread with Kristen and Tyler, "Hey, I'm home. Going to shower quick, but if you guys want to come over, feel free. Bring food, though, if you do." 

As I'm setting my phone down, it vibrates almost immediately,  "Christian: Haha, alright, sounds good. I'll have to take you up on that offer to hang out again soon, though ;)" This could be fun. 

Smiling, I shake my head, not entirely expected but very welcome nonetheless. Leaving the message, for now, I head into my bathroom and hit shuffle on my playlist. Undressing, I can't help but laugh at the minor discoloration on my chest and hips where Christian was last night. Once the water heats up enough for me to get in, I step in and feel the water beat off of my skin. I could almost physically feel any tension leaving my body as the warm water hit my skin. Taking my cleanser, I squirt a decent amount onto my fingers before rubbing my face clean of whatever is left from yesterday. A good face wash is far overdue.

Wrapping myself in my towel, I head back into my bedroom and grab some clothes for today. Cute and simple with some black spandex and an oversized hoodie, I really can't be asked to do more right now. Damn, as good as last night was, I can definitely feel that I didn't get much sleep. 

Picking the towel I just dropped off the floor, I head back to the bathroom to hang it up as I take the towel from my hair and hang it up too. Grabbing the container of mousse, I run it through my hair before just combing it and leaving my hair to air dry. Taking out my contacts finally, I grab my glasses and slide them on, knowing I should probably give my eyes a little break. Checking my phone, I see twenty missed texts in the group and another missed from Christian. 

I'm going to take a wild guess and say that nothing Kristen and Tyler are saying is even remotely important right now. Christian can get temporary priority.

"Christian: Unless you don't want to... I thought last night was a good time, though ;)." 

Shit didn't realize I had my read receipts on. Dude probably thinks I ghosted him already, "No, you're good. I just took a shower, so wasn't exactly using my phone, haha, I'd enjoy that :)."

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