Game One.

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"It's a beautiful home," Alecia confirms, taking in the living space much like I had when we toured the first time. Honestly, the second time through, I think I'm even more in love with this place than I had been. "There aren't any red flags that I'd seen. I think you guys would be happy here too."

"I agree, I'm honestly more in love with it now than I had been already," I reply, looking at the space that Christian and I are so close to being able to call home. "We're free to put the official offer in, I think."

"Alright," Alecia says before we head back to meet with Jeremy again to put in our offer.

"Thank you again, Alecia. You've been more than helpful with everything, and I appreciate it," I tell her, "And for lunch, you really should've let me buy."

"Oh hush," She shush's me with a small laugh, "You're already as good as family, plus it's the least I can do for you keeping my son in line."

Laughing, I shake my head at her subtle dig at her own son, "Don't worry, you raised him pretty damn well. It's not too hard to keep him in line."

"Thank you," She tells me, with a warm smile that's nearly as infectious as Christian's. "He told me about your mom," Nodding, I furrow my eyebrows. Why is she bringing that up now? "If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, please just let me know. Even if it's to talk about Christian being annoying," She adds, making me laugh, "I'd guess it'd be his fault after spending the last few days with you two." Both of us are laughing together as I drive to Miller Park.

"I do really appreciate that. Sometimes it's a lot, but I'm okay."

"That's good to hear," Alecia replies, "Like I said, anything, I'm always just a phone call away."

Catching the tail end of BP, Alecia and I watch as Christian is consistently making great contact. There's no chance he doesn't have a good game tonight, even with the guys giving him shit as soon as they spotted me with Alecia. "You're already popular with the guys," She comments to me.

"Yeah, a couple of them came over to help me pack. I don't think Christian has heard the end of it since.

"Well, yeah," Alecia laughs, "For just friends, you two seem to find an awful lot of time to spend with each other. You guys also seem to have a lot of sleepovers."

My face gets hot as a nervous chuckle escapes me. Well, that's only a little embarrassing. "To be fair, at least half the time we end up having sleepovers is on accident," Alecia laughs at my defense, clearly just giving me a hard time. "He's been awesome for me since I tore my Achilles, and then I was around for him when he broke his knee cap. It sort of just became convenient. He was actually super helpful when I still was on crutches and had limited mobility. You really did raise him well."

"Well, that's nice to hear," Alecia smiles, "That's really all you can hope for as a parent is that your kid is a decent human and not a total asshole."

We laugh together before I confirm, "Don't worry, he's only a minor asshole to me." Alecia lets out a loud laugh as I chuckle with her. I'm incredibly lucky to have gotten to know Christian, and I'm even luckier to be able to get to know Alecia too.

Game One couldn't have been set up better to end. Bases loaded, while we're tied, in the bottom of the ninth. The chants of "MVP" ring out through the stadium as Christian takes the plate. This is familiar territory for him three years in a row. Alecia and I stand with each other, holding onto each other's arms, so abundantly excited to be moments away from her son walking off the opening game of this post-season run.

With a full count on Christian, he battles it out for several more pitches before finally letting the crack of the bat ring out. "Get going, go!" I scream out, watching as the ball soars to the wall before going over as pandemonium ensues. The walk-off grand slam doubling the volume of the "MVP" Chants still ringing out through the stadium. That omen of greatness looms in the air. This is Milwaukee's year.

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