Show Our MVP How It's Done.

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"Girl, it's gonna rain today," I comment, stepping out on the field for our early morning warm-ups. We've got the potential to win our second gold medal of the year today, and the teams got a very weird energy. Everyone seems over the moon about the position we're in, but that doesn't stop the nerves that come with it.

"How can you tell," Carly asks, glancing up at the sky. It's only partially cloudy right now, but the air smells crisper than usual.

"It smells like it, and the way the breeze is coming in," I tell her, looking up the opposite way the clouds are moving. "That cloud is pretty ominous-looking, too," I point out, laughing.

Carly scoffs, looking where I am, "Why did I expect a 'Mean Girls' reference from you?"

Grabbing my boobs, I look to her, "It's like I have ESPN or breasts can always tell when it's going to rain..." Carly lets out a loud laugh as we get to the white stained grass line on the field. Hopping over it, I start jogging out to centerfield, keeping pace with Carly before taking a fast break back towards the line.

"I hate when you do that," Carly calls back, laughing. Even though she's just as fast as I am, my breaks are sharper than hers, giving me the edge. Most of the girls are still hanging out or just getting here. Six hours pre-game warm-ups aren't exactly routine, but I couldn't stay in the locker room and clubhouse the whole time. It's crazy that this is the last game of this season. This is also fun because Carly and I can just fuck around, and neither of us has to worry about anyone else.

After about twenty minutes of the most half-assed warm-ups from me and Carly, my playlist cuts off as my facetime goes off instead. Pulling it out of the waistband of my shorts, I notice Christian's name on the screen and immediately accept the call, "What's up, Yeli?"

Christian's smile pops up on my screen as he chuckles over my greeting, "Not much, just wanted to check in pre-game to say good luck."

"Well, thank you," I reply, sitting down in the grass while Carly joins me.

"What are you guys up to?"

"Just hanging out, killing some time before the game. Neither of us felt like hanging out in the clubhouse, so we came up to the field. It's mostly just been our half-assed version of a warm-up," I reply, picking at some of the grass. "You guys start a Cubs series today, right?"

"Yeah," he replies, before his phone is taken.

"Hey, Jailyn. You gonna show our MVP how it's done today?" Ryan asks once he's got possession of the phone.

Chuckling, I nod, "That's the goal. I think my numbers this season should be enough to do that, though."

"Nah, your numbers are skewed because of you being used as target practice," He replies.

"Definitely not," I laugh, "I still hit three more homers this year than last, with forty-one less opportunities to."

Ryan scoffs, "I guess I can't argue with that. Your average is skewed, though."

"You've got me there, but hey, I'll take an over .800 any day of the week," I comment with a wink, "You better crush the Cubs today. My Wisconsin blood needs that almost more than I need another gold medal today." Carly hit's me with that one, "Hey, I said almost."

"Don't worry about us, Jai. We've got them on lock," Ryan laughs, "Alright, I'm handing you back to Yeli. Leave it to have one girl but be wrapped completely around your finger." Carly snorts at the comment as I just roll my eyes.

"I'm not too thrilled by it either," I report back. Ryan takes the phone and flips the camera having the rest of the crew tell Carly and me good luck before finally handing it back to Christian.

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