I'm 100% That B*tch.

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Standing tall in the on-deck circle, I watch Elena take her at-bat. One out in the bottom of the first. Watching Mexico's pitcher, I try to get down any little tells she might have. As she winds up, I watch as she lets go before taking a practice swing as Elena takes a swing at it. So that was her fastball. It's consistent with what she was doing for Jamie's at-bat. Elena's got a 1-2 count on her either she's gotta make contact or know it's a ball. Watching the pitcher wind up again, I catch her grip being slightly different. My guess, it's a change. 

Sure enough, that's exactly what it is. Elena holds off on it, sending it deep-left field. As good as that looked, it's caught, leaving me with two-outs to work with.  Let's see what I can do here. Elena and I exchange a high-five as I replace her at the plate. Smirking to myself, I take my time getting to the plate as the speakers ring out, "Why're men great 'till they gotta be great?". Getting to the box, I hold my hand up to the umpire, kicking the dirt around the box, getting rid of the divots made by batters before me. "I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% that b-," it sensors the word but, the point is still made.  Settling in, I get locked in, looking back to the pitcher as I assume my stance. I'm about to take the first at-bat of my Olympic Career. 

The first pitch hit's low and outside. Maybe I'd take that if we were golfing. Locking into the second, she gets a strike on me. As decent of a pitch as that was, it wasn't mine. Letting one more pitch fly by, she makes her first mistake. Tracking the ball as it comes into the upper outer corner of the zone, I get my swing ready, cocking back before slamming my bat into the ball. That's always been my favorite zone. Letting my bat fall, I stare at the ball as it flies while I run towards first before it lands behind the fence. Holy shit is all I can think, as my eyes go wide in near disbelief before it hits me, I just hit a home run, in my first at-bat, in the Olympics. My sprint turns into more of a jog as I take in the stadium's eruption of cheers surround me. 

Rounding third, I see Carly and Sydney waiting, as the next to batters, ready to greet me after my home run trot. Chuckling to myself, I shake my head as I step onto home plate, making my first Olympic home run official. High-fiving both of them, I can only assume that it's Carly who slaps my ass as I grab my bat, heading off the field. The stadium's cheers are still nearly deafening as I get back to the dugout. Taking part in my round of high-fives, the reality sets in. No matter how the rest of these games go, I'll always be able to say I hit a home run in the Olympics. That's crazy.

A three-oh win to open up the games isn't a bad way to start. Reaching on three of my four at-bats makes that win that much better. A home run, a walk, a single, and my fourth at-bat being a sac-fly makes my stat line look just a little nicer too. I'm not sure anything could take this high away, not after opening our most-watched event of the year like this. Given my game today, there's no surprise when I see the group of press surrounding my locker. 

"Hey," I say, chuckling sliding into position. 

"Jailyn," A male reporter starts immediately, "You've just opened the Olympics with one of the best offensive games we've seen on this stage, opening up your game with a home run in the first inning. What was going through your head when that happened?" 

"Mostly, 'holy, word I probably can't say right now,'" I joke, laughing before I continue, "It's insane. Coming into the games, I was mainly just hoping to get one hit. So starting things off with a home run was incredible. To not only be able to say I got a hit in the Olympics but a home run, is insane. About twenty minutes before getting here this morning, I'd gotten some unfortunate news," I comment with a chuckle, "So that made that moment just a little sweeter. The only downside is that I think I set my bar a little high today." 

There's a couple of laughs from the reporters before another asks, "What do you think we can expect from the rest of the competition here in Tokyo?" 

"Um," I start, "I think hopefully, we continue to play like today. Hopefully, I can continue to get at-bats like I've got in today. As long as we keep playing hard and keep our focus, we can manage to take this whole thing and bring home the Gold. This is the first game of our definite five here in Tokyo, and it's the toughest competition we've had to face yet, so I think it's going to be an exciting next few days. Again, though, if we continue to play like we did today, I have no doubt that we can make it to the Gold Medal game at the end of this."

"Thanks for your time Jailyn," I'm told as the reporters are ushered away. 

"No problem," I reply, watching them disperse before looking through my stuff, ready to change. Grabbing my phone first, I notice more texts and missed calls than I think I've ever had in my life. It's hard to believe that anything would top Christian's accidental post, but here we are.

For the most part, they're just telling me how amazing it was to see my game. How proud people in my family are, how cool it was seeing my homer, there's a handful of people congratulating me and wishing me luck in my next games. Most of them don't really require a response from me, though. 

As I scroll through them all, I find the one I'd been subconsciously searching for. "Christian: DAMN JJ! I thought you were hot before, but that homer?!" His addition of the drooling emoji makes me chuckle as I read his next message. "Christian: Some of the younger dudes are thirsting over you here in the clubhouse. I'll admit, it's kinda hard to bite my tongue." 

Laughing to myself, I continue reading his messages, the smile never leaving my face. "Christian: Don't get any ideas. You're not dating any of my teammates. xD"

"Christian: JJ over here hitting a dinger going 2-3 with a sac-fly, while I'm hitting like a pitcher, can I have my juju back??"

"Christian: How the hell is this the first time I'm seeing you play, and you're this good?"

"Christian: Nice shut out win, super fun and cool to finally be able to watch you play! I can't wait to watch the rest of your games."

"Christian: Also, I really like the choice of walk-up song. You really are that bitch, fuck that Joe kid or whatever his name was anyway. ;)"

"You're such a weirdo," I send back before typing the rest of the message, still laughing to myself, "I didn't really plan on doing anything with anyone else on your roster. I didn't take your juju, and if I did, I think I need it more than you right now. ;P" Hitting send, I wait for everyone not on our team to clear out so I can change. Grabbing a white Team USA t-shirt with red lettering, I slip it on along with the skims leggings. Someone should've warned me that the only thing I'd actually need to pack was underwear. We got so much free stuff I'm probably going to have to donate most of it. 

Leaving my uniform where I was instructed, I grab my bag and start heading out to the bus. My phone buzzes again, and I grin seeing Christian's name, once again, on my screen. "Christian: WDYM do anything with anyone else? ;)"

Sending back the eye roll emoji, I type out my response. "I mean, you're the only guy I have any intention of sleeping with for the time being, stupid. xD"

"Christian: I definitely like the sound of that. I've been missing that aspect of our relationship. ;)"

"You and me both, lmao. Still have twenty days before I'm back home." 

"Christian: I'll make it worth the wait. ;)" 

"Damn, you really liked seeing me play, huh?" I ask while climbing on the bus, heading back to where Carly and I sat earlier. 

"Christian: That's almost an understatement. You're so talented, and your mechanics are so fucking sexy because of how good they are. You're legitimately good and not just getting lucky. You being better than me, at the equivalent of my career, is so fucking hot, JJ, you don't even know."

Smirking slightly, I let him know, "Lmao, I think I've got a pretty good idea. It was a little easier for me to refrain from openly thirsting over your games, though. I wouldn't say I'm better than you, we're in the same ballpark as each other. That's based on today's game and today's game only. xD"

"Christian: Damn, maybe I should start playing better then, shouldn't I?" 

"Maybe. ;)" I reply before adding, "Wait a week though, I've got a gold medal to win before I can tune into your games." 

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