Our Houses.

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Packing on its own has always been stressful. Packing to move your entire life for the next four months is a little more complicated. When I'm getting ready for my season, it's easy. Grab a couple of shirts, a couple of shorts, a pair of sweats, or two, and I'm golden. When I'm not being gifted a plethora of other merchandise to promote my team, I'm forced to be more decisive in what I need to bring.

"JJ, you've got almost forty mil in your bank account," Christian comments, "You shouldn't pack more than the basics. We'll go shopping when we get there. There's no reason for you to need to transport your whole wardrobe twice a year between our houses."

"Our houses?" I ask, looking at Christian as he leans on the doorway to my closet.

Chuckling slightly, he nods, making his way to me. When I rest my arms around his shoulders, he rests his hands on my hips. "Yeah, our houses," he says, kissing me gently, "Did you expect to be just a guest?"

"No," I reply, chuckling a little, "It's just I hadn't thought of it like that. There was never an official offer to move in with you there."

"Pretty sure that ring counts as an offer," Christian points out, laughing. "I'm serious though, you're just going to make things more stressful for yourself. You also end up in California plenty on your own in season. You should have a home to go back to."

"That might be one of the cheesiest things you've ever said," I point out, laughing before I kiss him. "Thank you."

"Anytime," He tells me. "Any plans for the day?"

"My brother asked if I could watch his kids," I reply. "I figure I haven't seen them since Christmas, and now it'll probably be Christmas again before I see them, may as well."

"I see," Christian says, "are you going there?"

"I was actually planning on picking them up and bringing them here," I tell him, "If you're okay with that. I also figured that at least one person in my family can get the chance to meet you."

"Yeah, I don't care," Christian replies, "how old are they again?"

"Claire is six, and Colby is four," I reply, "A little bit of a handful, but they're pretty good. I was going to just pick them up from school and bring them here. You can come if you want."


Heading into the school, I check in with the front desk. After a minor interaction of the receptionist realizing who I am, I'm directed down the hall to wait with the others, waiting to pick their kids up. Standing back, I don't want to cause any more of a scene than necessary in the grade school hallway I wait in. Being a couple of minutes early isn't usually the worst thing. However, my status makes it a little harder to deal with. In instances like this, it'd almost invite people in to talk to me, and if one person does, it's a domino from there. Given that little kids are involved here, I think people will respect my space a little more than if I were picking up my morning latte.

After about five minutes, the Four K class is let out. When all of those parents clear out, I head up to the door and see Colby waiting. "Jaiwen? What are you doing here?" He asks, still not fully having his L's down, as he runs into my legs to hug me.

"I'm here to pick you and Claire Bear up," I say, hugging him back before he lets me go.

"What?" he asks, his little brow furrowing, "You're picking us BOTH up?"

"Well, yeah," I reply, laughing, "I can't just pick you up. You guys are going to come to mine and my friend Christian's house for a little bit, is that okay?"

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