Biggest Let-Down.

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"Jailyn James, twenty-three, is about to be the youngest person ever to be inducted to the National Softball Hall of Fame just three years into her career. Inducting Jailyn was unanimous amongst the twelve members of the Hall of Fame Committee. Given her .851 career batting average, there's no question as to how that decision was made," Carly reads off her phone as my hair is getting pulled back into a tight ponytail. "What a fucking bitch she is, huh, Maddy?" 

Scoffing, I roll my eyes as Maddy laughs, "Right? Like not only does she have Greek-Godly talent, but she's fucking stunning and got a man right on par with her who she's marrying in about a year. All while I can't even get a text back." 

Snorting, I shake my head as the girls laugh all lounged out in Christian and my hotel suite. How insane is this that I'm about an hour and a half from officially being inducted into the Hall of Fame? "Maddy, you're literally a year and a half older than me; it's not like your clock is running out at twenty-five." 

"Shut up, just let me be jealous of your successful ass," She teases, making me laugh again. Somehow, as huge as this moment is, it doesn't feel like it's as monumental as it is. Even though today is the biggest moment of my career, everything still feels very relaxed. Maybe it's because there's no uncertainty of me being inducted. Today is just the formality of accepting it. 

The door flys open, making me jump, as Sydney lets herself back in, now accompanied by a bottle of champagne. "Alright bitches, we're pregaming this shit. I'd say it's not every day where we can celebrate our superstar-shattering records, but it seems to happen more often than not." All of us laugh a moment; mine is accompanied by an eye-roll before I'm handed my flute of bubbly. "This look, Jai," Syd says, chef kissing the air, "Bitchy, but still classy." 

"That was the goal," I laugh. 

"Where'd the fiance go?" Syd asks, joining Carly and Maddy on the bed. "Also, when's the wedding?" 

"He went to hang out with Ryan once Maddy got here. He can only handle us for so long," I joke, getting some giggles. "As far as the wedding goes, we've got the time frame and colors. That's pretty much it."

"Yeah? What about wedding parties," Carly asks, obviously having a motive behind it as she tosses a grape in her mouth. 

"We've got a vague idea," I reply, teasing them a little even though I think that's relatively set too, even if it's not confirmed. "Right now, I think it's you three, Tyler, and Ryan's wife, Larissa. Then Christian, I'm pretty sure, is thinking Ryan, Moose, Baker, and his brothers. I'm pretty sure my maid of honor spot is going to be like a joint effort." 

"Well, knowing you and Christian, I'm mostly just excited for the reception," Carly laughs. 

"Do one of you wanna grab her outfit?" My stylist asks, pulling the comb through the end of my hair, or should I say extensions. Maddy shoots right up, and everyone is watching her, waiting to see what I'm wearing. Taking the black garment bag, she pulls it out and hangs it up on the knob of the closet.

"Bitch, this thing is heavy," She laughs.

"I know," I reply, "I'm kicking you guys out for a few minutes. I've gotta get naked to put it on." There are a few pouting looks before the three of them escort themselves out, "They're too much, I swear to god." 

My stylist, Ricki, takes my dress out of the garment bag revealing the sparkling romper, as I get giddy with excitement getting to see it again. Slipping out of my robe, I let Ricki help me step into it, careful not to jostle any of the tassels too hard where they'd tangle as I get into the inner bodysuit. Ricki zips up the back, pulling my hair out of the way as she gets it up to my neck. 

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