Stan Twitter is Wild.

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Watching the light dance off of my ring in colorful flecks, I examine every inch of the shiny object I couldn't care less about when I got it last night. Tilting my finger around gently, I'm careful not to wake my sleeping fiancee as my hand rests on his bare chest. The way it shines, I can only assume that the band holding the rather large, sparkling, pear-shaped diamond is platinum. There's not a trace of anything other than the pure metallic white. White gold, on the other hand, has a slightly grey hue that doesn't shine quite as brightly as its platinum alternative. The stones covering the band are as vibrant as the main one resting on top of the hidden rose gold detailed band wrapped around the setting with tiny diamonds embedded in it as well. The rose gold is a unique touch to warm up the ring and seemingly make it my own. It's a nice, subtle detail that I'm obsessed with.

After a few minutes, Christian's hand brushes down my arm gently from where it'd rested on my bicep. I think it was his way of gauging if I was awake or not. "Morning," I say, craning my head towards him and kissing him gently. My leg is draped over him now, as my body rests on his.

"Good morning, fiance," He says, a smug smile on his face as we share another kiss. "I could get used to saying that?"

Chuckling a little, I grin, "Don't get too used to it. You're going to have to start calling me your wife soon."

Christian gives me that contagious smile of his that I love so much, "I definitely am excited to get used to that."

"Me too," I tell him, reaching up to kiss him again. He smiles slightly, kissing me back before pulling me completely on top of him. Even as I laugh at his movement of me, our lips don't leave one another. Our skin is bare against one another, the remnants from last night leaving nothing to our imaginations. Then again, there hasn't been much either of us has had to imagine since the night we met.

Grinding my hips on him slowly, I can't help but smirk as I feel him get hard underneath me. Biting his bottom lip gently, I pull it with me as I pull away. Our eyes are locked on one another, his pupils dilated as he says, "I love you. So fucking much."

"I love you too," I reply, a soft smile on my face, "So, so much." Christian's brow furrows a tiny bit as he nods, taking his hand and holding it behind my head, pulling me to him again. Just as soon as our lips meet again, Christian's free hand is starting to grab my ass as the one he'd pulled me back with tangles itself in my hair.

Letting my tongue slip into his mouth, I feel his hand fill the space between me, and him, and my legs. When I moan, he chuckles a little before we continue making out. As much as I enjoy his touch, I've been more than ready for all of him.

I let him play a few moments more before I reach between us and position myself onto him, taking all of him slowly as I watch his face as I take all of him. When I start rolling my body, my hips moving up and down on top of him, his hands find my hips as he starts thrusting himself. He sets the pace and moves me with it, letting me enjoy more and work a little less.

Both of us are incredibly receptive to each other's movement. Every single time somehow feels just as exciting and new as the first. Somehow it feels like there's more to be discovered and experienced even though it's been nearly three years since we had our first time together. Maybe that's part of the reason we work so well.

Breaking away from our kiss, I dip my head to the side, overwhelmed by the feeling of his movements. My breathlessness doesn't go unnoticed as he continues at the same place, letting go of one of my hips as he grabs some of my hair and pulls on it. Holy fuck. This man knows how to drive me completely crazy, I swear. "Fuck, Christian," I moan out, barely making out the words as my breath gets caught, "I'm close, don't stop." God, I get to have this man for the rest of my life?

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