You Were Saying?.

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Well, I guess I have a lot less to worry about now that two major deals have fallen into my lap. The promise of them being even bigger, should I perform half as good as I had, makes them that much more comfortable right now. It'd have been nice to have these a few weeks ago before I took out the mortgage, but hey, I'm never going to have to worry about it once I sign. This is incredible.

While I'm about to shove my phone in my pocket, I realize that I'm still in my jeans and top from last night. I probably should do something about that since I'm up here anyway. God, I can't imagine how that looks to Alecia. She didn't seem to care when she noticed this morning, but still. Heading into my closet, I change into a yellow crewneck and leggings, tossing my dirty clothes into my hamper. Pulling the ties out of the ends of my braids, I run my fingers through, letting the curls settle as I head back out and downstairs.

"Everything good?" Maddy asks as I reclaim my seat from before. Christian is in the barstool next to me, seemingly with the same question as Maddy.

"Yeah," I confirm, "She wanted my thoughts on a couple of deals. I'm not really sure why it was as urgent as she made it, but everything is good."

"What kind of deals?" Christian asks, grabbing a couple of grapes from the bag Maddy had pulled out. "Did we jump the gun in getting a mortgage for you to pay off?"

Scoffing, I nod, "Potentially. Neither of them are one hundred percent confirmed, but Adidas has an interest in me, and DeMarini wants to do a bat deal."

"Are you fucking serious?" Maddy asks, seemingly the most excited of the people here, making me laugh.

"Yeah," I say, blowing a small raspberry, still not fully processing the deals myself, "Like I said, they're not set in stone yet, but Jenna made it seem like as soon as I meet with them, I can sign. DeMarini wants me to design a bat for market sale, and I'd be getting fifteen percent from the net profits. Then with the Adidas deal, I'm not really sure what it looks like yet. Jenna mentioned seven figures though so, that's something."

"Only you would casually mention a seven-figure deal and make it seem like it's not a big deal," Maddy replies, shaking her head.

Chuckling, I can't help but shake my head, "Believe me, if I even knew where to begin wrapping my head around the deals, I'd be a little more enthused. That and my hangover is making it a little bit harder to be right now."

"That's awesome, JJ," Christian says, giving me a side hug, neither one of us feeling compelled enough to move from our respective stools.

"Congratulations, Jailyn, you more than deserve this," Alecia says, coming around and giving me a real hug. "Now you just gotta show Christian up," She says, making me laugh as she teases her son.

"Don't worry, I'll get some work in the cages in, and then we'll get something to show for it," I assure her. "Monica's still in town. We could get something set up for you to hit off of her." I comment, looking to Christian.

Christian grins a little, "Alright, you gotta hit off one of the guys, though."

"Bet," I say, holding out my hand. Christian shakes it, even though there weren't any actual terms laid out for this bet, just that it was happening.

Getting to the field, I let Christian grab my bag as I finish tying my hair into place. Glancing myself over in his passenger mirror, I finish up and grab my cleats as I jump out of Christian's car. Even with my sweatshirt and pants on, it's a cold Milwaukee November. Honestly, I can't complain quite yet. There have been a lot worse days to start November than a low forties day like today. "If I crack my bat because it's cold, are you gonna buy me a new one?"

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