It's Tough Being This Talented.

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"How'd you end up being the face of the team?" Christian asks. "Because I'll admit I kind of miss having you around."

Laughing, I shake my head, facing him as I prop myself up on my elbow, "From what I was told, it's because I'm a marketing major, specifically, in social media marketing. They figured that I'd need the least amount of media training."

Christian purses his lips slightly before nodding, "I guess that makes sense."

"Yeah," I agree, "I also think you posting that video had something to do with it. My name was thrown around quite a bit before the trials because of it. So it was an easy way to get extra clicks. You saw that they asked me about it already when I was officially announced as a part of the team. Jared from Barstool asked me about it this morning, so people are still interested in it."

"I mean, Jared asking might have more to do with me and him being buddies than anything," Christian adds, while I just nod. "You're going to be more famous than me."

Scoffing, I shake my head with a small roll of my eyes, "I think you'll always have me beat. 162 days a year, at least, of people paying attention, keeps you a little more relevant than the maybe seven a year that softball has. People don't really pay that much attention to pro-softball."

"I would," Christian comments, smiling at me.

Chuckling, I can't help but reply, "Well, no shit, you like getting in my pants too much not to."

Christian's loud laugh is contagious before he comes back with, "Speaking of being in your pants."

"Oh my god," I reply, laughing.

"I really, really missed that."

"I could tell," I tease, making him roll his eyes, "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be back to your old pro ways in no time."

Scoffing, he shakes his head with a small smile, "You didn't seem to think it was bad."

"There wasn't anything bad about it," I continue, "Just quick." Smirking slightly, it's hard to keep from laughing.

"I hate you, Jailyn James," He jokes, making me laugh now.

"Maybe I won't let you in them again," I comment, cocking an eyebrow at him, a small smile still playing on my face.

"Oh yeah?" Christian asks, his fingers rubbing on the bare skin of my waist where his hand was resting, "So I can't just do this?" With the question, his hand slips down to my bare hip, his thumb brushing along the edge of my bone.

Smiling a little, my eyes meet his playful gaze, "I'd say no if we weren't already naked." My joke makes him chuckle slightly as his fingers trace down from my hip to my outer thigh before moving towards my inner thigh, slowly making their way back up. Smirking a little, I let his fingers wander to the space between my thighs, his middle finger grazing over my sex. Christian circles gently a few times, occasionally sliding his finger back, letting it dip in, teasing me. Licking my bottom lip slightly, I pull it into my teeth, enjoying his touch. Seeing Christian's eyes, I can tell how much he's enjoying my reactions to him.

"So this," He starts, adding a little more pressure onto my clit, circling slightly faster, "Isn't okay?" My slight moan, as he hits just the right spot, is all the answer he needs. Biting my lip, my eyes close as my hips move forward, craving so much more from him. Letting a finger slip into me, he pulls it in and out slowly before adding a second.

"Fuck," I moan out, my legs opening up even more for him, my head tilting back. As quick as our first round back was, he's more than good at making up for it.

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