Hi, I'm Maddy, I'm an Aquarius, can I get your Number?.

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Accepting Christians Facetime, I watch as his face pops up on the screen while I prop my phone up on the hotel vanity. "Hey," I tell him as we connect while I go down to grab my diamond earrings.

"You really look this good but didn't want me to fly out for this?" Christian asks, with a small shake of his head and a smile. "You look incredible."

"Thanks," I reply, chuckling as I fasten the earring, "And I didn't want to pull you away from your family. You just got back home."

"So," He says, a hint of sass in his tone, "They'd have understood." Rolling my eyes, I just smile, "You do look incredible red's always been your color."

"Thanks," I chuckle, "Yeah, me and Carly went out and grabbed our dresses this morning. Carly liked how my boobs looked in this one."

"They do look nice," Christian replies with a shit-eating grin, "I think it's hard for them not to look nice, though, but that's just my opinion."

"Shut up," I tell him, laughing at his little comments.

"Where's my wife at?!" Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath as Carly lets herself in my room, "God damn, bitch, look at you."

Laughing, I look at her, "Bitch, look at you! Forget my boobs; your ass looks incredible." Pushing my hand on her hip, I make her turn for me as I check out her figure before smacking her ass. The short blue long-sleeved dress clings to every inch of her.

"Oh shit, what up, Yeli," Carly says, noticing my phone. "Did you finally grow a pair and steal my wife from me?"

"Something like that," He replies, laughing over our interaction, "How's it going, Carly?"

"Pretty great, especially now that I'm here with your smoke show of a girlfriend," Carly replies, shooting him a wink before she kisses my cheek, "Seriously, I might have to steal this loca for myself. God damn Jai, I swear you get hotter every time I see you."

"I'll drink to that," Christian adds, making us all laugh.

"If you two wanna talk about how hot I am, I can leave," I suggest chuckling as I look between the two of them. Hearing the door open again, I furrow my eyebrows, looking to Carly, "Who's that?"

Carly pops her head back out of the bathroom and laughs, "Who do you think?"

"What's up bitches," Maddy calls out as she and Sydney make their way to us. Syd's got a bottle of champagne in one hand and carrying the four flutes in the other.

"We're not technically supposed to be drinking, but if they're going to leave us a bottle, we're going to drink a bottle," Sydney says, setting the glasses down before popping the bottle open, neither one of the two new additions to this bathroom party noticing Christian still on facetime. Taking the first glass, I take a drink of it, glancing at my boyfriend as he just watches with a smile on his face.

"Oh, shit," Maddy says, gabbing my phone, "Why aren't you here, loverboy?"

"JJ Didn't want to make it a big deal," Christian replies.

Maddy looks at me before shooting me a wink, "Good, I can get a piece of that ass again. Like, look at you bitch. Honest to god, Hi, I'm Maddy, I'm an Aquarius, can I get your number?"

"Thirteen," I tell her with a grin as I down the rest of my glass as she laughs. Grabbing the bottle, I pour myself another before grabbing the phone from Maddy. "Well, this has been eventful," I tell him with a small roll of my eyes while I smile, "But I'm going to let you go. I'll either call you later or see you in a few days. I love you."

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