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"Jailyn," I hear called out as I'm leaving the field in LA with Carly. Turning around, I catch Alecia waving a few meters away. Smiling widely, I meet her halfway, and we embrace each other tightly, "You were fantastic! How are you?"

"I'm really good," I tell her, still holding her tightly, surprised that she's here, "What are you doing here? I would've gotten you VIP tickets or something."

"Oh my gosh, no," She says, waving me off when we pull apart, "I figured that I don't get too many chances to see you play, so I wanted to make sure I caught one of your games while you were in town. That, and I wanted to see if you were free tonight and if you wanted to join me for Christian's game. Finally getting a chance to catch up a little."

"Christian's got games in town?" I ask, this being the first time I've heard about it.

"It's their first Dodgers series," Alecia replies, almost surprised I didn't know, "I figured the two of you would've figured that out already seeing how attached you two were for a while."

Chuckling a little, I nod, "We haven't talked much since my season started now. As far as I know, there's nothing wrong we're just both busy."

"That, and he's got Shelby now," Her little eye roll makes me laugh. Her annoyance with Christian's new girlfriend is amusing.

"C'mon," I reply, still chuckling a little to myself, "I'm sure she's not that bad." Linking my arm with Alecia's, I call out to Carly, "Hey, Carly!"

"Yeah?" She calls back, looking at me again.

"Can you let them know I'm leaving with Alecia?"

"Yeah, I've got you," She calls back, "Have fun."

Handing Alecia her drink, I settle into the seat next to her as she asks, "So how've you been? I feel like it's been too long since we've actually talked."

"Pretty good," I nod, "My season being underway makes everything seem great. Most of my shit is figured out and, it at least feels like I'm in a really good place. That's what it feels like, at least."

Alecia smiles, "I'm glad to hear that. You had an awesome game today. Were there any issues with anything?"

Shaking my head, I take a sip of my Long Island before answering, "Thankfully no. Everything has been really good and has felt really good. Today's game was awesome then too. Hopefully, I can stay this hot throughout the rest of this season again, maybe even shake off that one strike-"

"Hey, Alecia!" An almost too thin but still very pretty blonde cuts me off as she sits on the other side of Alecia. Biting my lip, I try to contain my laugh over Alecia's obvious disinterest in this girl.

"Hey, Shelby," Alecia replies with a smile, "Why don't you meet Jailyn, her and the rest of the National Team are in town for a series. I'm sure you've heard about her from Christian since they own a house together." Never in my life did I expect Alecia to be this passive and petty, but I love her all the more for it. Mentioning Christian and my house wasn't really necessary, but I adore this woman for throwing it in.

"Oh," Shelby replies, her smile faltering a moment before she creates a new one, reaching her hand out to me, "Hey, I'm Shelby."

"Jailyn," I reply, shaking her hand with a smile of my own.

Alecia pipes in again once we drop each other's hand, "What were you saying again? Maybe you'll shake off that one strike?"

Chuckling, I nod, "Oh yeah. Maybe I'll shake off that one strikeout I had last season. Either walking or at least making contact would make my bat deal look even better."

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