Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with Crazy.

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"Holy shit, Christian, what's this?" Shelby's shrill voice says. Well, that's quite the wake-up call this early in the morning. Honestly, I prefer her usual just trying to sleep with me right away. Pinching my eyes together a moment, I stretch as I wake up, opening my eyes to glance around a moment before I find her next to my dresser, a small box open in her hands. If that's what I think it is. . .

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, sitting up fully seeing her with the velvet box. Maybe that's my fault; I could've stashed it away a little better. On the other hand, though, "Why the hell are you going through my shit?" I ask, standing up now, immediately trying to get the box from her before she pulls it away. 

"Why are you so upset?" She asks, going on the defensive now. Her face drops almost as if the realization just hit. "It's not for me, is it?" 

"Why would it be for you?" I ask, reaching for it again as she pulls it back again. 

"I don't know, maybe because we've been together for the last six months?" Shelby asks, holding her arm and the box back. We just established that the ring isn't for her; why the fuck wouldn't she just give it back? Her face changes again, more pissed than confused, "It's for fucking Jailyn, isn't it?" 

"It doesn't fucking matter who it's for," I shoot back, the anger I've felt since seeing her with it for the first time boiling over. "We've already covered that it's not for you, so why don't you give it back? Why the hell were you going through my shit in the first place?"

"God, chill out," She tells me, still not budging on handing over the ring, "I was just looking for a sweatshirt." Scoffing, I glance around the floor, immediately finding one all of two feet away from us. 

"That one not good enough for you?" I ask, pointing it out. Shelby glances at it, her little lie falling through, "How about you give me the ring back?" 

"Why don't you just admit that it's that bitch Jailyn's?" 

That bitch? Shelby, of all people, is calling someone a bitch? "Are you fucking kidding me, Shelby?" I ask, my voice raising now as she's going to sit here calling Jailyn a bitch in the house Jailyn and I own. "You, of all people, have no right to call Jailyn a bitch. You'd be lucky to be even a fraction of the person that she is. You've been nothing but a bitch to her every time you've been around her, and it's bullshit. She's my best friend, the least you could fucking do is act like you can tolerate her." 

"Your best friend that you used to date," Shelby shoots back, "How the fuck do you expect me to feel knowing that you live with your ex-girlfriend?" 

"You mean the one I'd seen twice since you and I have been dating?" I ask, "The one you immediately tried charging $500 for a fucking Instagram tag? You do understand that her posts average more likes than you have followers, right?" The fact that I know that line is going to piss her off is ridiculous. "The one you constantly bitch and moan about as if she's had any interference in your life. Shelby, I was barely speaking to her up until a few weeks before the ESPY's. Yet there you were, bitching away all about her." 

"Yeah, then where were you the night of the ESPY's?" Shelby shoots back. 

Scoffing, I can't help but be stunned at the fact she just asked that, "I could ask you the exact same fucking thing. Maybe I should ask Cody Bellinger instead? Or how about I ask Mikey? They both seem to know a little something about that. Why the fuck would you try to be a fucking Cleat Chaser when you're dating me? Almost a soon as they rejected you, I heard about it. You know that, right?" 

"Maybe if you weren't so far up Jailyn's ass I wouldn't have," She calls out, almost screaming now. "God, it's not bad enough that you live with that skank, yet-"

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