And They Were Roommates.

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The trail of kisses up my shoulder makes me smile slightly as I'm woken up. The sharp twang in my throat, mixed with how groggy I feel, dilutes how nice this moment might have been. "It's almost nine," Christian says, noticing I'm awake. He places his lips gently on my shoulder again before taking his hand and pulling my hair gently off my face, "Holy shit JJ, you're burning up." What started as a graze of the skin on my cheek is now the back of his hand, feeling my temperature.

"I'd have thought the opposite," I tell him, my voice hoarse. Even with the blankets covering most of me, I'm freezing. Christian's hand that was resting on my arm is moved. As he gets out of bed, I feel it rise slightly before I watch as he heads to his bathroom.

"I'm grabbing a thermometer," He tells me, rummaging through the drawers under his bathroom sink. Once he finds it, he comes over to me and hands it to me while I sit up, fully feeling how achy I am right now. Taking the little device from him, I press the button and stick it under my tongue.

The length of time it takes to beep again is indication enough for me that I've got a fever. Neither Christian nor I being surprised by that. Once it finally beeps, I pull it out of my mouth and look at the number shaking my head, "104.2 is a little high."

Christian scoffs at my response, "A little."

"Can you find my phone?" I ask, blinking a little, trying to wake up some more as I look at the bedside table I usually leave it on. "I've gotta figure out a plan now for my PT today." Christian nods, looking on the floor as I just take in how exhausted I feel. The last time I had a temperature this high, I had mono. Since I can't get that again, I'd guess it's strep.

Christian finds my phone on the floor between the bed and the nightstand. Taking it from him, I log in and scroll to find the facilities contact. Christian crouches on the floor in front of me, just watching as I hold the phone to my ear, waiting for the receptionist to pick me. "Froedtert, this is Lori. What can I do for you today?"

"Hi, this is Jailyn James," I say before attempting to clear my throat, wincing in doing so. "I've got a physical therapy appointment today for my Achilles. I've spiked a fever this morning, though, so I'm wondering what I'm supposed to do for today?"

"Of course. Let me go get Dr.Collins, and he can give you an official answer," Lori tells me.

"Thank you," I reply before I'm put on hold. Looking at Christian, he gives me a small smile before resting his hand on my knee, where it hangs over the bed. "I'm on hold," I inform him. He nods, both of us waiting now.

"Miss Jailyn James," Dr.Collins says, picking the phone back up, "What can I do for you today?"

"Well, you tell me," I reply, trying to joke, only hearing how hoarse my voice is, "I'm sure you can hear my voice right now but, I've got a 104.2 fever too."

"Why don't you come down at the same time we had you scheduled, and we'll get a strep test. We'll go from there and see about PT. If we can't get that in today, we'll reschedule for sometime in the next few days."

"Okay," I reply, "Thank you."

"No problem Jailyn, I'll see you soon." As we hang up, I meet Christian's questioning eyes.

"Going in at the same time," I tell him hitting the side button on my phone, "He's gonna give me a strep test, and we'll go from there."

"Alright," Christian says, nodding as he stands up. "I'll grab you something to wear." Nodding to myself, I know that means one of his hoodies, more than likely a Brewers one, and the shorts I'd had on yesterday. As opposed to tossing them to me, Christian actually hands me the items as I sit up from resting against his headboard. As I pull the hoodie on over my head, I feel how achy my entire body really is. This fucking sucks. Swinging my legs off the side of Christian's bed, I get a head rush and have to steady myself a moment while it passes.

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